Best Hunter Build In Destiny 2 2022. There was a lot of new gear in Destiny 2’s The Witch Queen expansion. Because the game is a looter shooter, weapons and armour pieces are often sought after by players in the form of “god rolls.” As with every new expansion, The Witch Queen comes with the Vow of the Disciple Raid, which many players will try to win in the first race on day one.
The Void 3.0 update has made Light subclasses more important than before, and Hunters have a great Super for DPS with the Moebius Quiver. Hunters can still use a very powerful build in Destiny 2’s new Raid or in endgame content. In this guide, we learn how it works and what options we have to choose from.
Table of Contents
Aspects, Fragments, Class, and Other

Because the Exotic item that defines the build and its playstyle is so important, this build uses Stasis instead of Void and other Light subclasses, and the reason for that is linked to that item. They also let Hunters have a bigger radius for their Duskfield Grenade, and when it hits, a Stasis crystal is created. This reduces the damage taken by allies and the damage done by enemies in the grenade’s radius, as well as how much damage they take.
If you want to make this build, you need the Touch of Winter Aspect. It opens up two Fragment slots, and it makes the Duskfield Grenade’s radius bigger and gives it an extra Stasis crystal when it hits.

Second, players want to use Grim Harest, which has three Fragment slots and lets Destiny 2 Hunters make Stasis shards when they kill slowed or frozen enemies, giving them melee energy for each shard.
Best Hunter Build
If you want to use a grenade, the Duskfield Grenade is the one to use because it slows down and eventually freezes all enemies caught in its radius. It also works with the Renewal Grasps Exotic.
As for the class ability, Stasis Hunters can choose between Gambler’s Dodge and Marksman’s Dodge, both of which give back melee energy when they dodge near enemies. The Gambler’s Dodge has a shorter cooldown and can reload the weapon it’s attached to more quickly. To make the build more stable, Gambler’s Dodge is the better choice for non-boss fights.

Fragments are a big part of this build, and there are a lot of different ways to put them together. There are four Fragments that should not be changed out, though. When the player stands near a frozen enemy or a Stasis crystal, Whisper of Chains reduces the damage the player takes. It also gives the player a 10 point boost to their Recovery stat. This damage-reduction buff works with both of the effects of the Renewal Grasps Exotic, so it helps a lot when you use it.
Players who play Destiny 2 shouldn’t remove Whisper of Durance, which gives Strength a +10 bonus and makes slow effects last longer. This is the second Fragment that should stay. If an ability stays around for a while like Duskfield Grenade, Silence, or Squall, it lasts longer with the Fragment in your weapon bag.
Best Hunter Build

In this build, the third most important Fragment is Whisper of Conduction, which increases the player’s Resilience and Intellect by 10. Both of these things are very important to the build. Furthermore, Stasis shards made with Grim Harvest now follow the player around the game.
The last Fragment that makes this build work is Whisper of Shards, which makes the players’ grenades recharge faster after they break a Stasis crystal. This makes the build work. It also gives you a +10 bonus to your Resilience, and the more crystals you break, the longer the buff lasts. Fragment: This one makes it so destroying the Stasis crystal made by the Duskfield Grenade immediately boosts the grenade’s recharge rate, which is what this build is all about in terms of game play.
Best Hunter Build In Destiny 2 2022

Each player can choose from Whisper of Fissures, Whisper of Refraction, Whisper of Bonds and so on for their fifth fragment. They also have the option to choose Whisper of Torment, Whisper of Impetus or Whisper of Rending. Each of these fragments serves a different purpose, but the build would work just fine without them. This makes each of them a good addition to the build.
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Remember that the Hunter’s Discipline and Recovery stats are the most important to the build and how long they can last. The rest of their stats are also important, but not as important. A good goal for Destiny 2 players who want to use this build is that they should get 90 to 100 Discipline and Recovery and at least 50 mobility. They should also get 40+ Resilience and 40+ Strength, as well. At tier 10, the Duskfield Grenade has a cooldown of 24 seconds, making it very easy to recharge without other tools.

Use the best weapons to keep things in place.
Destiny 2’s Krait is one of the most powerful weapons you can use with this build. Krait comes with the Veist Stinger Origin Trait, which can refill the gun’s magazine when it’s fired, so it can be used again. Krait can also choose between Subsistence and Overflow, both of which are great perks that make the gun shoot for longer, giving even more chances to get Veist Stinger. Last but not least, the most important perk on this gun is Headstone, because it makes a Stasis crystal at the target’s location when it dies from a precise last blow.
Again, breaking Stasis crystals gives you more grenade energy over time, and Whisper of Chains makes it easier to hide and defend yourself.

Other good choices for the kinetic slot are Vulpecula, Perses-D, Syncopation-53, Eyasluna, and Forensic Nightmare. All of these can roll Headstone to keep the build going at all times. Which is very important for this build. Note that these guns are less useful and powerful than the Krait across the board, especially in boss fights. Where the Veist Stinger perk lets you use the Krait even when you’re out of Special or Heavy ammo.
Palmyra-B is a rocket launcher that can be made with an Auto-Loading. Holster and a damage perk that can be Frenzy, Lasting Impression, or Explosive Light. This is a great weapon for the Heavy slot because it can be made with both. You can use Font of Might as a mod to make this weapon even more powerful. This is a very good DPS weapon.
Best Hunter Build

There are a lot of great mods you can use with this build. But Melee Wellmaker is the only one that’s really important. Season of the Risen has a special artefact that lets players get a cheaper version of this mod. It costs only 1 energy to use on any piece of armour that has this mod on. There are two ways to do this. Having the cheaper one is a nice extra bonus.
This mod lets players make Stasis Elemental Wells (or two. If paired with Bountiful Wells) when they beat an enemy with a charged melee attack. This will happen a lot if players use Gambler’s Dodge.
Use the best mods
Another powerful mod is Elemental Shards, which makes Stasis shards count as Stasis Elemental Wells when players pick them up. This is going to happen a lot because of Grim Harvest and. Whisper of Conduction, which will make this happen a lot. It’s important to note that this mod has a built-in cooldown, but it’s still worth getting.

So, because Elemental Shards use Stasis energy. You should set your Renewal Grasps gauntlets’ affinity to Stasis so that you can use more Stasis energy. This is important, because another great mod to use. This build is Grenade Kickstart, which only works with Stasis gauntlets. This is why this is so important. Grenade Kickstart gives players grenade energy when their grenade energy runs out. This means that when they use Duskfield Grenades, they get some of their grenade energy back.
Takes up space for Champion mods, so only use it in a fireteam with a leader. Hunters can also use Grenade Kickstart to get their Duskfield Grenade back. About 6 to 9 seconds, instead of 11 to 14 seconds without it. As a result, this mod is very nice to have, but not very important to have.
Best Hunter Build In Destiny 2 2022

Font of Might is a good mod to use with this build because it makes use of Kinetic. Stasis weapons to make Headstone, and maybe a Stasis Heavy weapon for DPS. Font of Might makes both of them do more damage, which is good.
Bountiful Wells is a good addition to the build because it gives players. An extra Elemental Well every time they make one. This means that Melee Wellmaker gives two at a time. If the Hunter picks up more Elemental Wells, they’ll be able to use their dodge. Grenade, and melee attack more quickly.
There are three great two-mod combos that can be used with this build, and they all work well. People who play the game can use Explosive Wellmaker to make Solar Elemental wells when. They kill enemies with explosive attacks, like by shattering Stasis stones or defeating frozen targets. These wells can be used to get a constant stream of healing that can’t be interrupted.
Best Hunter Build

One of Destiny 2’s most popular sets at the moment is Reaping Wellmaker and Well of Tenacity. The second combo is made up of these two items. With the nerf to Protective Light, many builds started to use these two mods to make Void Elemental Wells. And make them resistant to damage when they were picked up. So, Hunters who use Well of Tenacity and Whisper of Chains. As well as the Renewal Grasp Exotic, can almost never die.
The last combo that players can use is made up of Explosive Wellmaker and. Well of Ordnance, which both work in the same way as before. Players get extra grenade energy for each Solar Elemental Well they pick up.