How To Escape From Sellia Crystal Tunnel In Elden Ring. The goal of Elden Ring is to pit players against seemingly unattainable and plainly unjust odds. From start to finish, this game tests players’ limits and punishes them for every error, no matter how minor it may appear. Elden Ring has gained a lot of fame and reputation as a result of his brutal attitude toward athletes. This mindset also inspired the idea of trap chests, seemingly innocuous treasure chests that hide an unpleasant surprise for unwary players.
One of these rigged compartments may be found in the initial sector of Elden Ring, and it particularly harsh. The Dragon-Burnt Ruins of Limgrave contain this trapped chest, and those who open it taken deep beneath the Sellia Crystal Tunnel of Caelid. This is a hellscape from which players may only hope to flee. Fortunately, with a little caution and luck, those who have met this unlucky fate can escape this horrifying environment. In Elden Ring, here’s how to get out of the Sellia Crystal Tunnel.
How To Escape From The Sellia Crystal Tunnel

Players will wake up in a run-down miners’ hut after taken to the Sellia Crystal Tunnel. They should crouch quickly to avoid detected by close adversaries, as constitute a serious threat. If feasible, players should improve their stealth powers with Soft Cotton or magic before moving on. They’ll have a better chance of escaping the Sellia Crystal Tunnel if they do so.
Players can leave the miners’ cabin after making the necessary preparations, but they must exercise caution. A Digger patrols the area near outside, and a Prawn Miner patrols the area above. Both opponents are extremely dangerous, especially when fighting side by side. Players should therefore wait for the Digger to pass before exiting the miners’ hut.

Players must take a right after departing the miners’ cabin and begin walking down the slope. There will be many Diggers ahead, but if left alone, they will ignore players. Attacking or stealing from a Digger will make them hostile, jeopardising the players’ position. Players can easily make it to the bottom of the slope by sneaking past the Diggers and leaving them to their own devices.
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Will notice another miners’ cabin to their right at the bottom, with a Prawn Miner on top. Players must ignore the dilapidated shack and cautiously navigate to the left, where a tunnel can found. Can dodge the Prawn Miner’s detection by hugging the wall, avoiding an unnecessary and potentially disastrous fight. When the players get at the tunnel, all they have to do now is get through it.
How To Escape From Sellia Crystal Tunnel

Players should proceed down the tunnel with extreme caution, as the Prawn Miner may still discover them. Players will eventually reach the other side of the tunnel, drawing closer to the Sellia Crystal Tunnel’s exit.
There will be a ladder at the tunnel’s terminus that players can use to reach the Sellia Crystal Tunnel’s entry level. There will be no enemies in the neighbourhood of players from now on, therefore they will no longer need to sneak.

Players will locate a Site of Grace and the mouth of the Sellia Crystal Tunnel at the foot of the ladder. Players acquire an affect as a result of the imprisoned chest that stops them from quick travelling until they rest. As a result, before exiting the Sellia Crystal Tunnel, players must visit this Site of Grace. Otherwise, they will forced to stay in Caelid, a barren and cruel wasteland.
Players can fast travel to wherever they were before their journey stopped now that they’ve visited a Shrine of Grace and exited the Sellia Crystal Tunnel. May return to the Sellia Crystal Tunnel and the Caelid region to further explore it if they so desire. Players now know how to get out of the Sellia Crystal Tunnel.