Cradle Of Echoes Code In Horizon Forbidden West. Horizon Forbidden West is a mysterious game. These mysteries are sometimes buried by Metroidvania-style movement enhancements.
Horizon Forbidden West will also hide things behind simple numerical codes on occasion, notably while investigating one of the game’s abandoned research labs. After all, these were work environments, and not everyone has time to solve Resident Evil-style riddles.
On the quest “Cradle of Echoes,” a code is required at one point. Horizon Forbidden West provides players with hints to help them complete the puzzle, although they can be difficult to spot.

Horizon Forbidden West’s primary plot quest is Cradle of Echoes. It appears in the middle of the game, after the player has finished The Sea of Sands, Seeds of the Past, or The Kulrut.
Aloy begins the mission by investigating a Zenith corpse in the mountains, where he discovers orders to acquire a strange “Asset.” An constructed tube near the body leads to yet another old scientific centre.
The player will come upon a console with a holographic UI as they explore the facility. A speaker will say something like this: “In storage are 236 containers. Please enter the number of the container you want to retrieve.”

Unlike the majority of the riddles in Horizon Forbidden West, this one is purposefully deceptive. The correct number does not fall within the range of 001 to 236.
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Varl does provide a helpful nudge in the right direction. He says when the console sends the command “Is it 236? Wasn’t the distress signal accompanied by a number?” The distress signal he’s referring to may be discovered under the “Text Datapoints – Quests” tab in Aloy’s notebook. It goes like this:
Horizon Forbidden West’s Cradle of Echoes Code

The Cradle of Echoes code is 237, which is one higher than the supposed maximum container range. This is consistent across all copies of the game; it is not randomised by campaign.
A cinematic shows what the mysterious “Asset” is when the player enters the code. But before the player can digest this information, they’re sucked into a boss battle with a Level 25 Specter.
Aloy should be at least level 22 and have some health items in her inventory because this is a difficult and long fight. In addition, the Specter is vulnerable to acid and plasma damage, but strong against fire, shock, and purgewater, thus players should equip their weapons accordingly.