Moonveil Katana Location In Elden Ring. In Elden Ring, the Moonveil Katana is an excellent weapon for Intelligence builds. Here’s how players can get their hands on it.
The Moonveil Katana is a formidable (and enjoyable) weapon for Elden Ring players who want to boost their Intelligence stat. Players that prefer employing sorceries will have a reliable melee weapon to deal out additional damage. To foes while their FP is low thanks to its good base Intelligence scaling (and INT requirement).
Those who are unprepared may find it difficult to obtain the Moonveil Katana. It’s located in a famously difficult zone for some players, and it’s guarded by a formidable boss. Here’s where players may discover this illustrious blade. In Elden Ring, as well as what they’ll need to do to claim it.
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In Elden Ring, Where Can I Find The Moonveil Katana?

Players must first journey to the edge of Caelid. Where the contaminated zone meets lush Limgrave, to obtain the Moonveil Katana. Players will face two Radahn’s Guards when navigating to the place on the map. These enemies wield massive tower shields, and players can either attack. Them or escape through them and up the nearby Gael Tunnel passage. It’s worth noting that the area’s Site of Grace lies at the bottom of the hole from which players enter, and the fall damage can kill an adventurer if they’re not careful.
The best way to get down to the Site of Grace is to kill. The two guards at Gael Tunnel’s entrance, then use the little ledges. Along the walls to slowly descend to the shaft’s bottom. Because the ledges are relatively broad and plainly visible, and coil downward. In a circular pattern around the mineshaft, players should be able to jump from one to the next with ease. Once players have gained entrance to the Site of Grace. They can enter the Gael Tunnel and proceed to the lower rooms.

Elden Ring
There are a lot of “miners” in the region who are difficult to knock out with conventional weapons. Lighter melee assaults will simply bounce off. Their strong shell Making it difficult for players with Dexterity and Intelligence to destroy these opponents with their weapons. Damage is much easier to deal with with two-handed weapons and big blunt weapons. A bevvy of Radahns Guards may also be discovered in the region, each with a different. Weapon that can swiftly incapacitate a player if they aren’t careful.
If you don’t want to fight your way past the hordes. Simply run straight ahead, down the ramp, and into the nearby tunnel. The room beyond has a staircase, and once at the bottom, players can dash along a corridor. Into a large room with two massive wooden doors on the right and a little wooden door straight ahead. It’s critical not to touch the big doors on the right, as doing so will automatically start a boss battle. Instead, players should proceed through the small door to the right. Of the boss area to find a second Site of Grace.
Defeating The Magma Wyrm: A Guide

Players who want to get their hands on the Moonveil Katana must first defeat the intimidating Magma Wyrm. This massive and powerful boss carries a massive sword and can spew molten lava from its lips. It’s huge, swift, and aggressive, with two lock-on locations (one on the head and one at the centre of its body). To make matters worse, gamers will be forced to confront it in a very small boss area.
It contains a variety of severe assaults that can quickly deplete a player’s health bar without them even realising it. Those who stay too close to it risk being hit by the boss’s spinning slash strike, which covers a large area around it. This attack causes a lot of damage, and players who aren’t in good health risk dying in one hit. It can also raise its gigantic sword and slam it down, unleashing a shockwave attack that deals massive AOE damage to enemies who are caught off guard.

When it spews lava from its mouth, it is the most annoying attack. The Magma Wyrm can cover a huge area of the floor in lava, which delivers a lot of damage to players that stand in it, and it can also cover the ground around itself defensively to deter opponents from getting too close to it. It will also “enrage” from time to time, sprinting around the arena and spewing lava in various directions. If players are cornered in a corner, this strike might be very devastating.
Location In Elden Ring
The Magma Wyrm is also quite tough, with a big health pool. It is, however, more vulnerable to magical attacks, making it a great target for sorcerers. Melee players can coat their weapons with Magic Grease to increase their weapon’s strength. It’s also a good idea for players to bring any fire resistance they have with them into fight. If players stumble into the lava while dodging or running, a fire-resistant talisman can make the difference between life and death.

To destroy the Magma Wyrm, players should strive to stick to its side and back as much as possible, avoiding its mouth. This puts players in a far better position to avoid approaching lava and allows them to flee if the boss becomes enraged. The sweep attack and the downward smash are the only two attacks that players should be aware of. The Magma Wyrm appears to be “winding up” to swing in a circular motion in the sweep, which has a slight telegraph. Players who dodge too quickly will take a lot of damage, and it takes some effort to get the timing correct. It also covers a large region, making escape impossible.
The downhill smash is more difficult to anticipate and has a considerably smaller window of opportunity. If the Magma Wyrm raises its front, players should flee as soon as possible to avoid being struck by the huge sword and approaching shockwave. Because the Magma Wyrm is so quick and aggressive, the best tactic is to rush in and hit its sides and back before it swings its sword. As players seek to become acquainted with the beast’s unpredictable attacks, patience can go a long way.
Toppling the strong Magma Wyrm will reward players with 7500 Runes, a Dragon Heart, and Moonveil.
What Is The Purpose Of Moonveil Katana?

The Moonveil Katana is an excellent weapon for players who prioritise Intelligence. It scales well with INT at its base level, providing a useful melee weapon for people who primarily employ sorceries to finish off adversaries or inflict additional damage. When players utilise its skill, the katana is sheathed, and when they attack, it is unleashed in a greater form. Players can slice with either a standard or heavy strike, and both approaches will result in a flash of white light. It’s entertaining to look at and, with the appropriate build, can deal some serious damage.
Players will require 12 Strength, 18 Dexterity, and 23 Intelligence to proficiently wield the Moonveil Katana. Its passive can also cause blood loss, allowing it to deal more damage in bursts.