How To Craft Horn Of Celebration In Valheim. This guide can assist Valheim players with crafting the Horn of Celebration, which was added for the game’s anniversary.
Valheim recently celebrated its one-year anniversary by releasing fresh content for players to enjoy. New caves in the Mountain biome, as well as new crafting materials and artefacts, are now available to anyone who enter Valheim’s planet. The Horn of Celebration is one of the game’s enhancements that added particularly to allow players to commemorate the game’s anniversary.
As part of the game’s anniversary celebration, this Tankard allows players a new method to consume Mead. Players may not know exactly how to create or use the Horn of Celebration because it is a new item. This tutorial is designed to assist Valheim gamers in learning how to use this new equipment.
How To Make A Celebration Horn

Fortunately, the Horn of Celebration’s recipe is rather simple. To begin, players must go to any working Workbench in Valheim to obtain the recipe for this item. Players will need to collect 2 Bronze, 2 Iron, and 2 Troll Hides to obtain the Horn of Celebration once they arrive.
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Bronze made when two copper and one tin mixed in a forge. Copper and Tin both found in the Black Forest biome of Valheim, with the former appearing in enormous rocks and the latter near rivers and coasts. It shouldn’t take more than a quick journey into the Black Forest to obtain the 2 Bronze required here. Iron, on the other hand, may smelted from Scrap Iron discovered in the Muddy Scrap Piles in Valheim’s Swamp biome’s Sunken Crypts. The Iron for this recipe made by combining scrap iron and coal in a smelter.
Trolls also found in the Black Forest biome and the best source of Troll Hides. With 600 points of health and the ability to do significant damage, trolls are one of Valheim’s most difficult animals. Fortunately, only killing one of these monsters will provide enough Troll Hides to complete the formula.
How To Make The Horn Of Joy Work For You

The Horn of Celebration can utilised by inserting it into any of the hot key slots. This item, as a Tankard, used to drink Mead in the game. Items that can consumed for temporary health and stamina enhancements referred to as mead in Valheim. These must first turned into Mead Bases in a Cauldron before being transferred to a Fermenter and fermented. One of these is Valheim’s Tasty Mead, which improves a player’s stamina recovery for a limited time.
This Horn of Celebration can used to commemorate the first anniversary of Valheim’s release as well as the game’s most recent update. The update also adds new Frost Caves to Valheim, three new monsters, and the new Fenris Armor set, among other things.
Valheim is now playable on PC.