Assassin’s Prayerbook Locations In Elden Ring. Players must deliver Prayerbooks to particular NPCs in Elden Ring to unlock additional incantations. The Assassin’s Prayerbook grants access to a number of important spells.
Incantations in Elden Ring are much more than mere healing spells and Holy-damaging strikes. Incantations in Elden Ring are essentially a mix of Pyromancies and Miracles from past FromSoftware games, plus a few extra spells with unusual effects or unique damage kinds.
The Assassin’s Approach Incantation, for example, fully silences all movement for a short period of time and then there’s the Dragonheart Incantations, which grant players access to some of Elden Ring’s most devastating spells. Two of Elden Ring most valuable Stealth spells can unlocked with the Assassin Prayerbook in hand.
Prayerbooks Used To Unlock Advanced Incantations

Prayerbooks can found all across Elden Ring, always marked on the ground with the vivid indigo-outlined pickup beacon that reserved for Key Items. A number of Prayerbooks are available, each of which unlocks a set of “basic” spells. Prayerbooks do not contain game-breaking Incantations, but they do unlock helpful spells that any Faith-based character can use.
The Assassin’s Prayerbook unlocks both the Assassin’s Approach Incantation and the Darkness Incantation, which Confessors use to begin Elden Ring. Darkness works as a shroud over the player, allowing them to hide in plain sight, whilst Assassin’s Approach completely silences a character’s movement without affecting adversaries’ visual recognition.
Where Can I Get The Assassin’s Prayerbook?

Because the Assassin’s Prayerbook may found in Roundtable Hold, it can unlocked early in Elden Ring. Head approach Hewg the Smith from the Table of Lost Grace. Turn around to find a Fog Wall and an Imp Statue as you descend the stairs behind him. Another Fog Wall lies behind this one, requiring even more Stonesword Keys.
Unseal the first Imp Statue using one Stonesword Key, and the second with two. A chest with the Assassin’s Prayerbook hidden behind the second Fog Wall. Return upstairs to Brother Corhyn, the NPC beside the Table who dressed in the Prophet class’ default armour. After you’ve given him the Prayerbook and listened to him explain its heresy, he’ll sell Darkness and Assassin’s Approach.
Elden Ring is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Series X|S consoles.