Where To Find Nasty In Elex 2. With Elex 2 now out in the wild, fans from all over the world are expected to flock to Magalan to discover a world that has altered since the original game. Not only do the Skyands pose a new threat, but the power equations among Elex 2’s factions have shifted. New powers have risen to replace old ones. Commander Jax will have to traverse these factions and rely on their trusted companions to do so as well in order to save Magalan.
Several characters from the first game, such as Caja and Nasty, return as well. It’s impossible not to receive both at some point in the game, although Caja enters the party inside the first hour. Fans that want Nasty, who was a popular companion in Elex 1 and is still a potential love interest in Elex 2, should know where to seek so they don’t end themselves here several hours later.
Elex 2: Where is Nasty

There are several paths to choose once players are given free reign to explore the realm of Magalan and assess all factions as prospective allies. The Clerics are to the north, and the Albs are beyond. There are also the Berserkers and Outlaws to contend with, but Nasty will not be among them. Checking the Outlaws makes sense because Nasty was an outlaw in Elex 1, and checking the Berserkers makes sense because they currently control old Outlaw territory. Players, on the other hand, will not find her there.
They should instead gaze to the right of their map. Players will begin the game near a World heart, which will be located to the northeast of the Grotto. This is where players will locate Nasty, as well as Elex 2’s new faction, the Morkons.

They’ll need to enter the Grotto once they’ve found it, as indicated on the map above. To enter the Grotto, players will need to persuade others and accomplish a few quests, but once there, they should simply explore it. It’s a twisting, meandering cave, but once players find it, they’ll know exactly where they are.
Nasty is being particularly…well, nasty…to a couple of Morkons in an Elex 2 cutscene. She’ll tell Jax why she’s come, give him her particular objective, and accompany him on his quest to battle the Skyands.