How To Get Glintstone Key In Elden Ring. Liurnia of the Lakes is a place where people who go to Elden Ring will eventually have to go to the big Academy, which stands out against all of the mist and fog. If you want to get into Elden Ring’s magical school, you’ll need a Glintstone Key to do it. This guide will help players find a key and break through the wall.
It is important to go to Raya Lucaria Academy in order to move forward in the main storey. It is also the game’s second Legacy Dungeon.
Table of Contents
The Clues

He tells the first group what they need to do before they can get into the academy at the Church of Irith, which is on a path north of Stormveil Castle. A Glintstone Key can be used to get past a barrier, and he’ll ask for one from the player when they’re done with their business.
The player can go to the Academy by going through the Academy Gate Town. This will lead them to one of the Academy Gates. If you look at the item description, you can figure out that the dead Sorcerer was looking for a Glintstone Key. A dead Sorcerer is holding a map to a meeting place. The map shows a small island in the marsh near the gate to the west.
The Dragon Hoard

The island in question can be seen on the map above, to the south of the Four Belfries site of Grace. When you get there, you’ll face a second obstacle. It’s right in front of the key, so if you don’t want to fight the Glintstone Dragon Smarag, you’ll have to crouch and hide.
When Smarag wakes up, don’t freak out. They’ll move a short distance to the south, then turn around and come back to where they were. Players will have enough time to get the key and the other treasures and make a run for it before the dragon comes back.
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Players who decide to fight the dragon should be ready for a long and dangerous fight, as Smarag moves quickly and strikes with great force with its claws and magical breath attacks.
Return to Raya Lucaria Academy

In Raya Lucaria Academy, the player now has the key. Thops still doesn’t have a key of his own, so he can’t get in. Thops needs a second key, so players will need to get to the Academy Rooftops from outside the courtyard. Then navigate them to reach the Church of the Cuckoo’s Ceiling from inside the church. A Chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and the second key can be found on top of it. Thops will then be found dead near the Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace in FromSoftware’s grim worlds.
In this case, the player can get an Academy Glintstone Staff and. Thops Bell Bearings (an item which unlocks. All items he used to sell at the Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold).