Roguebook Chrysalis Guide. Players can obtain an ally named Chrysalis who consumes their cards during one of Roguebook’s Narratives, and they may wonder if it’s worth it.
Players in Roguebook can acquire a variety of cards that summon pals. The majority of these buddies are self-explanatory, but one stands out: the Chrysalis ally card from Roguebook.
The Chrysalis Narrative

The ability to take the Chrysalis card is part of a Narrative, which is a random encounter. These appear as scrolls on the overworld map and can lead to a range of largely positive consequences. These short stories set in the Faeria world that Roguebook is set in, a realm that is explored in greater depth in the board games of the same name. Each Narrative presents a short storey and gives players the option of how they want to interact with it. Players have two options when they come across a Chrysalis Narrative: they either take it or burn it.
Which Option To Choose For The Chrysalis In Roguebook?
Nothing happens if players take the second option and set fire to the Chrysalis. If players opt to bring this small companion along, though, it will begin to consume their cards.
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The Chrysalis a zero-cost ally that summoned automatically at the outset of each fight and Dissolves one card from a player’s starting hand. In Roguebook, the term Dissolve indicates that it will be unavailable until the next combat. This keyword appears on a lot of cards, and certain Gems in Roguebook even disintegrate cards after they’ve added.

Is it worth it to gain the Chrysalis Ally if it’s only going to consume a player’s cards? The answer is a resounding yes. If a player makes it to the third Chapter of Roguebook, this small guy will finally claw his way out of its shell. And when it does, its new form gives back more than it took.
The new ally is likewise called for zero energy at the start of every combat, and it bears the Aggressive keyword. It starts with 10 Spirit and has the added benefit of drawing an extra card per turn.
Whether or not players of Richard Garfield’s newest game are using an ally-focused deck, ten extra damage per turn added to an additional card per turn is a significant benefit. To acquire this critter’s support in the game’s last chapter, it’s definitely worth having one card dissolved per combat.
Roguebook is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. A Switch version will be ready in April or May 2022.