How To Summon Torrent In Elden Ring. The riding system is one of the most intriguing, and possibly important, aspects of Elden Ring. Players have the ability to call Torrent, Elden Ring’s player horse, in the open world after a brief time in-game. With his vertically-oriented moveset, Riding Torrent greatly accelerates exploration and can take players to regions that would otherwise be inaccessible.
Elden Ring does not come equipped with the ability to summon Torrent, but he may be obtained fairly quickly after leaving the tutorial and entering the open world. Summoning Torrent necessitates the acquisition of a unique summoning item. The Horse Whistle, unlike the Soul Summon Bell, can be used anywhere in the Lands Between excluding dungeons and other interiors.
How To Get Torrent In The First Place

Before summoning Torrent, players must first complete the first few sub-areas of Limgrave, Elden Ring’s first major open-world zone. A cutscene introducing players to Melina will play when they find their third Lost Grace (typically behind a massive encampment of Soldiers before a large gate).
This unidentified Maiden requests an agreement from the player, stating that the Tarnished will transport them to the Erd Tree’s foot in exchange for turning “runes into strength.” Players introduced to Torrent and given the Spectral Steed Whistle at the end of this cutscene. Players use this gear to mount and dismount Torrent in the overworld.
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How To Summon (And Dismiss) Torrent

Once you have the Spectral Steed Whistle, go to your equipment panel and look at the bottom for your quickselect item slots. Your Flask of Crimson Tears and Flask of Cerulean Tears should appear in the first two slots. Open an empty slot and put the Spectral Steed Whistle in it. Then, by pressing down on the D-pad until the Whistle selected, scroll to it.
To utilise the Whistle, press X (or Square) like you would any other “consumable” item in Elden Ring. Summoning Torrent is a lightning-fast game, with players reaching maximum speed in a matter of seconds. If you’re up against a swift opponent or the odds stacked against you in the open world, don’t be hesitant to whip out the Whistle and flee. You can either use the Whistle again or press down on the left joystick (L3) while mounted to dismiss Torrent.