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How To Get The Good Ending In Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood

How To Get The Good Ending In Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood. Cyanide’s third-person action game Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood is a third-person shooter. Caharl is a werewolf who has returned to his pack after a five-year hiatus to assist them in their fight against the terrifyingly well-armed Oil Company, Endron.

Caharl’s journey in Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood can take one of two paths, depending on the protagonist’s choice during the game’s last quest. To obtain the best potential ending, players must follow a specified path. This guide will assist players in following that path and ensuring Caharl’s happy ending.

The Point of No Return

To reach the stage where an ending can chosen, players must first complete the game’s last level, “Endron’s Oil Rig”. Caharl storms the Endron Oil Rig in this stage to end the war and locate his pack’s kidnapped members. This is no easy level, as it contains a variety of strong foes, including a boss battle with a couple of Black Spiral Dancers, lethal fellow werewolves who serve an entity known as the Wyrm.

Whether players take a sneaky approach or not, they will eventually come face to face with the Black Spiral Dancers, who move at breakneck speed around their boss arena, attacking Caharl with frenzy strikes. Due to the fact that the survivor would heal and agitate if one of them killed. Players should begin by eliminating the larger of the two. While the smaller one is still lethal when agitated, it is simpler to control during the second phase.

Of course, another peril must overcome before the storey can conclude. After fighting the Black Spiral Dancers, players must make their way deeper inside the dam in order to locate Caharl’s daughter, Aedana.

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A Tragic Reunion

Unfortunately, Aedana is beyond redemption, having turned by the Wyrm into a monstrous scorpion-like beast. Despite the emotional stakes, confronting Aedana is simpler than fighting the Black Spiral Dancers, however it is still not an easy meeting. Aedana has a particularly devilish tail spike attack in which she plants her tail into the ground, erupting spikes. This attack utilises two distinct patterns. In one, the spikes form a circle around Aedana and then expand to form a wider circle further away; in the other, the spikes form a wave in front of her. Another strike to keep an eye out for is her pounce assault, in which she quickly hunches over before leaping and attacking with her tentacles.

Aedana’s spike strikes also become more hazardous as the conflict proceeds, as the amount of spikes and the area they cover increases in proportion to her health loss. When the circular pattern used, players can dash in following the first wave to avoid the second and come close enough to attack. After defeating Aedana, the player will be able to choose a conclusion for this narrative.

Savior or Avenger

Caharl presented with one final option following all of the preparation work. He can finally apprehend the person responsible for all of this and avenge his daughter and the other victims. Alternatively, he can save his packmate Ava and her Activist group members, who have been supporting Caharl and the clan throughout the game.

Choosing to pursue Wadkins and exact revenge will result in a negative outcome. Caharl succeeds in stopping Endron and obtaining vengeance in this scenario, but ultimately left alone. Alternatively, gamers wishing a happy ending should focus their efforts on rescuing Ava and the Activists.

Recovering the activists ends in an ending in which Caharl is not alone; he is accompanied by his packmate and followers. Endron’s plot foiled, but Wadkins escapes, with the implication that intends to return. Nonetheless, this is the best of the Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood endings.

How To Get The Good Ending In Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood