How To Get Best Armor In Horizon Forbidden West. In Horizon Forbidden West, not all Outfits created equal. And gamers who wish to maximise Aloy’s fighting effectiveness must equip her with the strongest gear available. While there is a case to made for various Outfits receiving that honour, there are two that stand out. The Oseram Artificer and Nora Thunder Warrior armors are the two outfits in question. And this article will show you how to get both of them.
Horizon Forbidden West: How to Get Oseram Artificer Legendary Outfit
The Oseram Artificer Legendary Outfit considered. The best armour in Horizon Forbidden West. And players who want to get it should start at Keruf Salvage Camp. Which located southwest of Barren Light. Fans can start a contract named Keruf’s Salvage Unlimited at this location, which involves fulfilling additional contracts for four salvagers. One of the salvagers is in Keruf’s camp, and his location. As well as the places of the other three salvagers, has noted on the map below.

Players will instructed to speak with Keruf one more after finishing the Contracts for all four salvagers. At the conclusion of that conversation. The Oseram Artificer Legendary armour will bestowed, and fans will not disappointed with all it has to offer. In particular, combining this Outfit with Overshield Valor Surge from. The Survivor skill tree in Horizon Forbidden West can be extremely effective. And it is a combo that players should try out.
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Horizon Forbidden West: How to Get Nora Thunder Warrior Legendary Outfit
The Nora Thunder Warrior armour may have a modest advantage over. The Oseram Artificer armour for players who solely employ ranged attacks, and it may gained through the Arena. The Arena is accessible by completing a quest named Opening the Arena. Which becomes available after finishing the Kulrut main plot mission in Horizon Forbidden West. On the map below, the exact location of the Arena has marked, and the task giver may found there.

Players must perform challenges in the Arena after it has opened to earn Arena Medals. Fans can interact with the Arena’s Prize Master, Dukkah. And acquire the Nora Thunder Warrior armour directly after earning 54 Arena Medals. Dukkah also has two more Legendary Outfits available, as well as the greatest Hunter Bow from Horizon Forbidden West. Which may be of interest to players with extremely specialised playstyles.