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Sheer Side Mountain Hunting Grounds Guide In Horizon Forbidden West

Sheer Side Mountain Hunting Grounds Guide In Horizon Forbidden West. Though the machines at the Sheerside Mountains Hunting Grounds aren’t the most difficult in Horizon Forbidden West, the problems that players must overcome with them aren’t too difficult. Most players, for example, will have a difficult time dealing with the Shredder Catch trial, and finding a weapon fit for the third challenge can be difficult as well.

Despite the high degree of effort required, these trials are well worth finishing at some point, since they provide a variety of helpful rewards, including Skill Points and a pair of Primary Nerves. These tactics will aid players in overcoming the three trials in Horizon Forbidden West, as well as offering information on all of the awards available.

Frost Trial

StripesTime RequiredRewards
Quarter Stripes10:00Hunting Medal (x4) Metal Shards (x40) Small Machine Core (x2)
Half Stripes04:00Hunting Medal (x5) Metal Shards (x50) Chillwater (x10) Medium Machine Core (x1)
Full Stripes03:00Hunting Medal (x6) Metal Shards (x60) Chillwater (x10) Bellowback Circulator (x1) Medium Machine Core (x1)

The Frost trial is by far the easiest of the three tasks, requiring players to inflict the Brittle state on a couple of Bellowbacks and then tear off their Cargo Refining Sacs. Players must simply pelt the Brittlebacks with any type of Frost munitions, which will fill the Brittle indication and force the opponents to begin freezing. Players can then switch to a standard Hunter Bow and shot their sacs after that.

Players can aim for one of two sacs on each Brittleback, although the one on their back is much simpler to hit because to its massive size. After plunging down into the Hunting Grounds, there’s a Brittleback on the player’s right, and others on the opposite side. Those in need of an Ice ammunition weapon can get one from the hunting grounds merchant.

Shredder Catch Trial

StripesTime RequiredRewards
Quarter Stripes10:00Hunting Medal (x4) Metal Shards (x40) Small Machine Core (x2)
Half Stripes03:00Hunting Medal (x5) Metal Shards (x50) Metalbite (x10) Medium Machine Core (x1)
Full Stripes02:00Hunting Medal (x6) Metal Shards (x60) Metalbite (x10) Bellowback Sac Webbing (x1) Medium Machine Core (x1)

Players must toss and catch a single Shredder three times to completely charge it before throwing it at an enemy to complete the Shredder Catch trial. These catches must be consecutive, which means that if players fail to capture the Shredder even once, they will lose their charged Shredder and must restart from the beginning. It’s undoubtedly difficult, but with the appropriate plan, it’s certainly doable.

Players who attempt this at close range will undoubtedly struggle, but by placing some distance between themselves and their targets and using Aloy’s concentration ability to swiftly define the Shredder’s arc (press R3 while shooting), players should be able to pick it up quickly. If the Shredder appears to be moving wide, you can use Circle to dive towards it, but this should only be done as a last resort. Those in need of a Shredder weapon can purchase one from the hunting grounds vendor.

Also Read: How To Solve The Runner’s Wild Relic Ruins Puzzle In Horizon Forbidden West

Plasma Blast Trial

StripesTime RequiredRewards
Quarter Stripes10:00Hunting Medal (x4) Metal Shards (x40) Small Machine Core (x2)
Half Stripes03:00Hunting Medal (x5) Metal Shards (x50) Glowblast (x10) Medium Machine Core (x1)
Full Stripes02:00Hunting Medal (x6) Metal Shards (x60) Glowblast (x10) Rollerback Circulator (x1) Medium Machine Core (x1)

The Plasma Blast challenge is quite straightforward as long as players understand when to stop. They must use Plasma ammo on the huge Rollerback in the hunting grounds’ centre until the circle surrounding the purple plasma emblem over the enemy’s head is fully lighted. They should keep hitting it until the purple bar to the right fills up and a notice flashes onscreen that says “Elemental Limit Triggered.” They only need to stop shooting from here until the state expires and the stored energy erupts.

They’ll have to repeat the process a second time, this time taking careful not to overshoot the Rollerback once the bar is full. The most difficult element of the challenge is not killing the Rollerback too soon, so try to stay away from its weak area whenever possible. Those in need of a Plasma ammunition weapon can purchase one from the hunting grounds merchant, albeit they may need to first visit a Sunwing location (check near the Scalding Spear village) to obtain a Sunwing Circulator.

Completion Rewards

Grand Quarter StripesHunting Medal (x8) Skill Points (x2) Metal Shards (x150) Small Machine Core (x2)
Grand Half StripesHunting Medal (x10) Metal Shards (x300) Blastpaste (x10) Weave – Purgewater and Plasma Defense +7% (x1) Medium Machine Core (x1)
Grand Full StripesHunting Medal (x12) Metal Shards (x450) Bellowback Primary Nerve (x1) Rollerback Primary Nerve (x1) Coil – Frost +12% (x1) Large Machine Core (x2)

Sheer Side Mountain Hunting Grounds Guide In Horizon Forbidden West