Mobile Vehicle Bay Fragments Location In Subnautica 2022. Unknown Worlds Entertainment’s open-world underwater survival game Subnautica requires players to gather resources in order to create usable objects and stay alive.
The game’s survival tactics, the sensation of isolation it provided the player, and the unexpected slide into terror when players explored deeper into the alien water were all praised by fans and critics alike. Players may create a variety of vehicles to speed up journey and dodge leviathans, so they don’t simply have fins and a knife to navigate the sea and fend off predators. Players must first locate Mobile Vehicle Bay fragments in order to construct these vehicles. Subnautica 2022.
Updated by Jack Pursey on February 23, 2022: Exploring the oceans of planet 4546B for crafting materials is one of the most exciting aspects of Subnautica, but it is also one of the most difficult due to the lack of a map feature. This guide has revised to provide further assistance to people who ready to begin manufacturing automobiles. It now has more details on where to find Mobile Vehicle Bay fragments, what they used for, and how to construct the Mobile Vehicle Bay itself.
Table of Contents
What Are Mobile Vehicle Bay Fragments For?

In Subnautica, players must assemble the Mobile Vehicle Bay in order to construct submarines, rockets, and prawn suits. To do so, the player will need blueprints, which they will only get by finding and scanning three different Fragments. Wreck sites strewn around the game’s map are a common source of fragments. There are a few of these, but there are better wrecks to seek for them in.
Underwater Islands Wreck’s Mobile Vehicle Bay Fragments

The enormous wreck in the Underwater Islands may be the best resource from the Safe Shallows. The wreck is the largest of two in the western Grassy Plateau (-635 -50 -2), and may often include up to three Fragments. It is located close west of Lifepod 17 (coordinates x: -510, y: -91, and z: -45 for players who follow #1 of the top pro tips for Subnautica). The wreckage is notable for its massive, C-shaped shape.
Players need have a rebreather and a large-capacity tank to avoid suffocating while exploring the wreck, yet due to the wreckage’s shallow depth, players may be able to rapidly return to the surface for oxygen. A door-shaped region of damage can found around 70 metres down on the southern side of the debris.
When entering this doorway, the player must turn left (west), travel through the next section of the corridor, and ascend. A Fragment sits at a depth of around 65m in the southwest corner of this space, beside the damaged section spewing electrical sparks.
The player must now locate the stairs to the west, around 68 metres down, which can be difficult to locate, hence it may be beneficial for players to remove their googles – something many players were unaware of in Subnautica. A second Fragment can discovered in the southeast corner of the next room, around 70 metres away, among some pipes and freight.
Blood Grass Wreck’s Mobile Vehicle Bay Fragments

If a third Mobile Vehicle Bay Fragment does not spawn at this wreck, the player should return to the entrance and go southeast. A second big wreck lies nearby, amidst a patch of Blood Grass (-432 -90 -268), but players will require a Laser Cutter to get to it. At around 107m northeast of the wreckage, there is a door that players must cut through.
Inside, there’s another door on the left that requires the Cutter as well. The third Fragment may found on the floor, just below the table (once again to the left of the door). With the final Fragment in hand, players can use the Fabricator to construct the Mobile Vehicle Bay and resume resource hauling. Subnautica players, on the other hand, should be aware of how to obtain diamonds in order to obtain the Prawn Suit.
Other Possible Wrecks with Fragments

A fan-made map depicting all of the other wrecks in the game shown above; most of these can also spawn Fragments.
Although it may tempting to head directly to the enormous wrecks on the map’s outskirts, it strongly advised that players only explore wrecks that are as close to the Safe Shallows area as possible before gaining vehicles. Not only do players risk drowning in the deeper parts, but there are also lethal leviathans prowling around some of the larger wrecks, as depicted by the map’s skulls. If players arrive without a vehicle, they will obliterated by these beasts.
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If the handful of transparent skulls around the Safe Shallow area on the map above makes you nervous, don’t worry. These skulls are located in much deeper parts of the planet, which will not be accessible until later in the game.
How To Craft The Mobile Vehicle Bay

Players can create the Mobile Vehicle Bay and exploring. The depths of Planet 4546B with vehicles after the relevant fragments have found. Unfortunately, there still a few phases left to complete the bay’s construction.
At a Fabricator, players must combine the following items to create. The Mobile Vehicle Bay: 1 oz. lubricant, 1 oz. titanium ingot, 1 oz. Power cell The following are the steps to obtain each resource:
- Creepvine Seed Clusters used to make the lubricant. Head to the Kelp Forest (coordinates -306 -51 -57) to collect. The clusters from the tall, green flora known as Creepvine.
- 10x Titanium used to make Titanium Ingots. Titanium can obtained in a variety of methods, including by passing Metal Salvage through the Fabricator and searching Limestone Outcrops.
- 2x Battery and 1x Silicone Rubber combined to make Power Cells. Silicone Rubber manufactured from the same material as the lubricant: Creepvine Seed Clusters. And batteries made from 2x Acid Mushroom and 1x Copper Ore.