Stamina Thief Guide In Monster Hunter Rise. Monster Hunter Rise can feel like an endurance test at times. Each encounter can seem like climbing a mountain, whether it’s gathering components for Monster Hunter Rise’s traps or chasing a monster across the map.
However, players can use this against their prey. Monsters may exhausted with the correct approach and gear, which especially useful with Monster Hunter Rise’s monster capturing method.
If players want to exhaust creatures, they should obviously invest in the Stamina Thief skill. Monster Hunter Rise, on the other hand, does not adequately describe how it works.
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What Does Monster Exhaustion Do to You?

Monster exhaustion happens when a fight lasts longer than expected, or when the player continually hits monsters with attacks that have an exhaust value.
When a monster is exhausted, they will display a peculiar stagger motion, have lesser stamina, and unable to use certain of their attacks. The most obvious sign is when the monster begins to drool excessively.
What Does a Stamina Thief Do?

The Stamina Thief skill, like most of the game’s skills, may obtained by equipping specific pieces of Monster Hunter Rise’s equipment. Bone Mail, Kulu-Ya-Ku Coil, and Drain Jewel are just a few examples.
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Wearing various items of armour or decorations with the Stamina Thief talent might help players boost their stamina. One piece provides a 20% boost, two pieces provide a 30% boost, and three pieces provide a 40% boost. However, it ends there, so players shouldn’t stress about matching their entire wardrobe for a single talent.
Exhaustion can be inflicted in a variety of ways.

Monsters exhausted by all attacks. Even if they have Stamina Thief, it won’t help them if they’re carrying the wrong weapons or goods into battle.
Monster weariness most commonly caused by blunt weapons, such as hammers, hunting horns, and shields in Monster Hunter Rise. Exhaustion is possible with a switch axe, but only if it possesses exhaust phials.
Bows and bowguns can also fatigue players that prefer a ranged fight, but only with the correct gear. Exhaust coating required for bows, whereas exhaust ammo required for bowguns.
Players should also keep in mind that exhausted monsters not a one-size-fits-all strategy, even if they fully prepared. Some of Monster Hunter Rise’s most powerful monsters, such as the Khezu and Apex Rathalos, have a great tolerance to weariness and will not go down without a fight.