How To Get Gible In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl. Pokemon having a basic stat total of 600 and a three-stage evolution are known as pseudo-legendary Pokemon. The majority of these Pokemon are of the Dragon type, with a few outliers. Players can obtain the pseudo-legendary Garchomp in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. Some Pokemon enthusiasts will recognise Garchomp as Cynthia’s champion in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Players must, however, capture Gible in order to obtain this Pokemon.
The Gible-line is of the Dragon/Ground type, making them immune to most Types (such as Fire, Grass, and Water), but vulnerable to Fairy and Dragon-type. Because of its dual-typing, Gible is extremely vulnerable to Ice-type Pokemon (4x weakness), therefore trainers should keep an eye out for Ice-type Pokemon. Gible will require a few Gym Badges to catch, so players should expect it to be available only after they’ve progressed through the plot of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Renri Seong updated this page on February 21, 2022: Gible is a powerful Dragon-type Pokemon that can be caught in the games Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. This Pokemon doesn’t stick out at first glance, but those who are patient enough to evolve it will find the payoff well worth the effort. Gible may evolve into the pseudo-legendary Garchomp, one of the most powerful non-legendary Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. Gible can be obtained in a variety of methods in BDSP, although players must first proceed through the main storey. Another technique of catching Gible has been included to this tutorial.
Table of Contents
What Trainers Need To Catch Gible

Players will need a few items before they can catch Gible:
- HM04 Strength
- HM03 Surf
- Mine Badge
The player will receive HM03 for assisting Cynthia’s grandmother in Celeste City.
To obtain HM04 Strength, travel south of Solaceonon village on Route 209 to The Lost Tower. There will be two elders at the top who will grant you a Cleanse Tag and HM04 Strength. This move, however, cannot be used in battle unless the player has obtained the Relic Badge.
After receiving the Relic Badge from Fantina in Hearthome City, the game will instruct trainers to travel to Canalvine City’s next gym. To get to Canalvine, players must travel Route 218 with HM03 Surf. They’ll be able to take on the gym challenge and face Byron after they get in Canalvine. His Pokemon’s levels range from 35 to 39, and he is a Steel-type expert. Bring Fire or Fighting-type items and avoid Ice or Rock-type items.
Purchase Quick Balls, Dark Balls, and Ultra Balls at a select Pokemarts. Finally, having a Pokemon on hand that can cause non-damaging status illnesses is a good idea (paralysis, sleep).
Finding Gible In The Wayward Cave

Now that you’ve finished all of this, it’s time to visit Gible’s home, Wayward Cave. There are two entrances to Wayward Cave on Route 206, beneath the Cycling Road. Take a left instead of a right. The hidden entrance is beneath Cycling Road, against the granite walls. Use Strength on a Pokemon to move the stones and begin looking for Gible.
Gible is a rare Pokemon that might be challenging to capture. Furthermore, Gible is likely to be weaker than the Pokemon in the party, so bring a Pokemon with a level of 19-20. To make catching it easier, use Dark Balls or Quick Balls. If you don’t have these, weaken it and inflict status illnesses before throwing an Ultra Ball.
Trainers can, of course, receive a Gible in a Trade instead of putting in all this effort. If the trainer does not have enough Gym Badges, a Traded Pokemon is prone to disobeying commands.
Finding Gible & Gabite In The Grand Underground

Those who are willing to wait to add Gible to their team can do so in the Grand Underground. The Fountainspring Cave, Riverbank Cave, and Still-Water Cavern hideaways are where Gible will spawn. Unfortunately, Gible will not spawn until players have earned all seven Gym Badges, which means they must battle Candice of Snowpoint City first.
Despite being an improvement over the original Diamond/Underground, Pearl’s the Grand Underground still has some constraints to prevent the game from being too simple for players. In the Grand Underground, the arguably more powerful and popular Pokemon, such as Ralts, are considered “rare encounters.” This means that players will have to spend time accessing and exiting a specific hideaway in order to trigger the spawn of a rare Pokemon. Fortunately, Gible isn’t considered a rare spawn, but it compensates by appearing considerably later in the game.

Those who want to avoid Gible can attempt catching Gabite instead. Gabite, unlike Gible, may only be found in the same hideaways as Gible if the player has HM Waterfall. After obtaining the 8th Gym Badge, players can talk with Jasmine to obtain Waterfall. Jasmine is located on the beach to the north of Sunyshore City. Jasmine will not hand up HM Waterfall until Volkner has been beaten.
Gabite will begin to appear in the Grand Underground once you have earned all eight Gym Badges.
Getting Gible in Wayward Cave over catching it in the Grand Underground may be the best option. The single HM skill required to reach Wayward Cave Gibles is Strength, which can be obtained after completing the 6th Gym Badge. The Gible in Wayward Cave, on the other hand, will be weaker than those in the Grand Underground. This means that levelling it up and evolving it will take longer.
More Information About Gible And Its Evolutions

Gible is a Dragon and Ground-type Pokemon with a Slow development rate (one attack EV yield) and an Adamant nature that is best captured (as this will increase its physical attack power). It will always have the Rough Skin ability, which causes physical enemies to take 1/8th of their total HP if they attack Gible. It’s also possible to encounter a Gible with the Sand Veil ability, which boosts Evasion when in a Sandstorm.
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Here’s a look at Gible’s base stats:
- HP: 58
- Speed: 42
- Attack: 70
- Defense: 45
- Special Attack: 40
- Special Defense: 45
It’s a little slow in and of itself, but it’ll hit other Pokemon hard. It’s also quite elusive, at least when it comes to catching it. At full health, Gible has a 5.9% chance of catching a Pokeball. Players will either have to whittle down its HP and employ status effects, or pray for extreme luck.
Gible is a cute Pokemon in and of itself, but most people want to catch one so they can get their hands on its third stage evolution, Garchomp. To get a Garchomp, users must first level up Gible until it reaches the second stage of its evolution in Gabite. Once a Gible reaches level 24, this will happen, and players won’t have to worry about achieving any specific requirements.

Gabite comes with the following base stats:
- HP: 68
- Speed: 82
- Attack: 90
- Defense: 65
- Special Attack: 55
- Special Defense: 45
Although Gible is a slow Pokemon, its development into Gabite effectively doubles its speed, providing trainers a much faster Pokemon with even more powerful attacks. Gabite will evolve into Garchomp after it reaches level 48.
Garchomp’s base stats are as follows:
- HP: 108
- Speed: 102
- Attack: 130
- Defense: 95
- Special Attack: 80
- Special Defense: 85
When players obtain Garchomp, they will have a rough-skinned Dragon/Ground-type with outstanding physical attack power and the ability to outrun many opponents.