The Best Tank Builds In League Of Legends Wild Rift. Tanks in League of Legends: Wild Rift may take a lot of damage. These configurations are suitable for the tank.
Tanks are extremely resilient in League of Legends: Wild Rift, allowing them to withstand massive amounts of damage without dying. They also have a variety of crowd control effects, which can be quite beneficial in interrupting the enemy’s attempts to strike or flee. Tanks can bravely lead their team into battle with potent engage and disengage tools because to the aforementioned traits.
Soaking up damage (as Supports) allows their team to find more opportunities to do the necessary damage to win team fights and skirmishes. These are the greatest builds for making Tanks as tough as they can possibly be.
Table of Contents
Nunu & Willump

- Sunfire Cape
- Deadman’s Plate
- Mercury Treads Gargoyle Enchant
- Thornmail
- Spirit Visage
- Randuin’s Omen
- Aftershock Keystone Rune combined with Weakness, Bone Plating, and Wolf Pack runes
Tanks like Nunu may easily engage and disengage fights for their team with this build. These goods provide players with various forms of additional Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance, allowing them to withstand various types of damage. Deadman’s Plate’s Movement Speed bonus works well with Nunu’s W, making it considerably easier to land and allowing players to capture unsuspecting prey (without needing to use visual tricks).
Nunu’s Q’s extra Healing complements Spirit Visage wonderfully. Nunu’s Ultimate Ability will make players feel invincible, and adversaries will be hesitant to touch him due to his high resistance.

- Trinity Force
- Mercury Treads Teleport
- Deadman’s Plate
- Sterak’s Gage
- Spirit Visage
- Guardian Angel
- Grasp of the Undying Keystone Rune combined with Triumph, Bone Plating, and Mastermind runes
Players will notice that these items appear to be slightly more offensive than those that are purely defensive after looking at this build. When it comes to Nasus, though, this build makes him as tough as most Tanks while still dealing significant damage.
Nasus’ Q damage is enhanced even more by Trinity Force, and the Ability Haste gives him greater uptime on it. Nasus’ Life Steal capabilities, as well as his resilience, are greatly enhanced by Spirit Visage’s remarkable synergy with his Passive Ability.
Jarvan IV

- Cleaver, Black
- Gargoyle Enchantment by Mercury Treads
- Angel of Protection
- Thornmail
- Randuin’s Prophecy
- Visage of the Spirit
- Brutal, Hunter Titan, and Mastermind runes paired with Conqueror Keystone Rune
This build is not only adaptable enough to perform well against a wide range of team compositions, but it also shines when opponents have many physical damage dealers. Jarvan IV can be built in a variety of ways, but this item build maximises his mobility and long-term fighting effectiveness.
Players will be able to feel like a damaging threat while still being able to stay in the front lines of team fights or even dive their backline (unlike some other champions). With this well-made Tank build, you won’t be limited in terms of options or play styles.

- Sunfire Cape
- Gargoyle Enchant
- Deadman’s Plate
- Thornmail
- Spirit Visage
- Randuin’s Omen
- Aftershock Keystone Rune combined with Brutal, Conditioning, and Mastermind runes
This build gives players a lot of Armor, Magic Resistance, Health, Sustain, and other unique effects to help them avoid taking too much damage. To deal with Amumu utilising this build, enemies will have to build Armor Penetration or Ability Power Penetration, or he will be practically indestructible.
Players can optimise their ability usage to lock down foes and set themselves and their friends up for success by being incredibly durable.

- Rylai’s Crystal Scepter
- Mercury Treads Hextech Protobelt Enchant
- Liandry’s Torment
- Deadman’s Plate
- Thornmail
- Infinity Orb
- Conqueror Keystone Rune combined with Weakness, Hunter Titan, and Sweet Tooth runes
Although this build is on the list of top Tank builds, it isn’t as adaptable as the others and is more focused on Singed. With Singed’s Q, players may spread their toxins across numerous adversaries thanks to the slowing effects, damage over time burn, and deadly Critical Ability Damage.
The additional Health and Armor, on the other hand, complements his Ultimate Ability and play style well enough that he can be just as disruptive as most Tanks without having to entirely focus his gear on defence.

- Black Cleaver
- Mercury Treads Gargoyle Enchant
- Deadman’s Plate
- Sterak’s Gage
- Guardian Angel
- Spirit Visage
- Grasp of Undying Keystone Rune, combined with Brutal, Adaptive Carapace, and Sweet Tooth runes
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This build is quite versatile, but it excels on tanks like Garen (especially if players are stuck in Silver). Because the effect is triggered by Garen’s E ability, Black Cleaver offers an intriguing synergy that allows players to shred enemies’ Armor faster and easier than most champions.
Due to the overlapping effects of Movement Speed, the additional Movement Speed from Deadman’s Plate synergizes beautifully with Garen’s Q ability. Garen’s Passive Ability works nicely with the additional HP because the healing is percentage-based, thus the more Health players have, the more healing they will receive, making Garen even more formidable.

- Black Cleaver
- Mercury Treads Gargoyle Enchant
- Guardian Angel
- Sunfire Cape
- Death’s Dance
- Sterak’s Gage
- Conqueror Keystone Rune, combined with Brutal, Adaptive Carapace, and Hunter Genius
With items that grant Attack Damage and Life Steal, this build gives Tanks semi-offensive capabilities. Wukong’s Armor and Magic Resistance provide him with the durability he needs to be in the front lines of battle while also giving him with exceptional duelling potential.
Because it also has Armor Shred powers, the Black Cleaver works well with Wukong’s Q ability. The player’s physical damage-dealing friends will benefit from a significant increase in damage from this build, which will benefit every Physical Damage dealer on the team.

- Thornmail
- Plated-Steelcaps Gargoyle Enchant
- Deadman’s Plate
- Guardian Angel
- Sunfire Cape
- Randuin’s Omen
- Aftershock Keystone Rune, combined with Weakness, Adaptive Carapace, and Pathfinder runes
This build is quite effective against full Attack Damage Compositions, making Tanks appear increasingly more difficult to defeat as the game progresses. Because his W ability improves Armor and reflects some Physical Damage to foes, Rammus is the ideal Tank for this build.
Because of the tremendous defensive power that this build gives, enemies will want to avoid attacking players that have this build (especially with Plated-Steelcaps). Players that use this build can use Guardian Angel’s special ability to resurrect themselves even if they are killed.
Mundo, Dr.

- Sunfire Cape
- Gargoyle Enchant
- Spirit Visage
- Deadman’s Plate
- Warmog’s Armor
- Thornmail
- Aftershock Keystone Rune combined with Weakness, Conditioning, and Sweet Tooth runes
Although this build is entirely defensive, foes will be puzzled by Dr. Mundo’s high base damage skills. Tanks like Dr. Mundo are particularly difficult to deal with because they have numerous kinds of Armor, Magic Resistance (imagine if we swapped in Force of Nature), and Health.
Immunity to Crowd Control gained through talents allows players to wander wherever they want without fear of repercussions, knowing that slaying them will take several adversaries. Dr. Mundo’s Ultimate Ability’s healing has a fantastic synergy with Spirit Visage and even Warmog’s Armor.
Zhao, Xin

- Black Cleaver
- Mercury Treads Righteous Glory Enchant
- Solari Chargeblade
- Sterak’s Gage
- Guardian Angel
- Randuin’s Omen
- Conqueror Keystone combined with Brutal, Hunter Titan, and Mastermind runes
This build does more damage than typical Tank builds, but only because of Xin Zhao’s interaction with these items (even he deserves a Legendary Skin). His Ultimate Ability allows him to shield not only himself but also his friends by blocking all incoming projectiles from outside the surrounding radius.
Most massive damage threats provide damage with ranged attacks, allowing Xin Zhao to use Critical Chance alongside Attack Damage without sacrificing much durability in the long run.
The mobile version of League of Legends: Wild Rift is now available.