A Hollow Soul Hidden Achievement Guide In Genshin Impact. The 2.0 update for developer miHoYo’s very popular RPG Genshin Impact adds a number of secret accomplishments. Including one named A Hollow Soul. Players must eventually discover Washizu’s missing items in Higi Village. And complete the Sinister Instruction global quest to earn this award. However, Genshin Impact fans will have to put in some effort before they can get that quest. And this guide will walk you through the procedure step by step.
Scott Vengel updated this page on February 17th, 2022. With the unveiling of Yae Miko’s banner in version 2.4, Genshin Impact has returned to the thunderous country of Inazuma. While the update adds a new dimension to the storey of the shrine lady and her companion. The Raiden Shogun, it also draws attention to the fascinating lore lurking within Inazuma. Many of the hidden achievements are based on these clues and stories. Which has prompted many people to seek out mysteries like Washizu. However, most of the knowledge needed to complete the “A Hollow Soul” achievement will be clarified in this page.
How To Complete A Hollow Soul
The first thing to note that this achievement must completed over the course of four daily resets. Indeed, obtaining the Hollow Soul achievement in a single session is difficult due. To a requirement that must completed across four days.

On each of those days, players must engage with the Outsider Shrine, which is located just south of Serpent’s Head. The video below shows the Shrine’s exact location. The shrine is easily accessible through teleport, which is located near Maguu Kenki’s arena.
It’s also worth noting that Genshin Impact fans required to engage with the Outsider Shrine. Three times every day, after which it will become dormant until the next daily reset.
For players in the Eastern timezone, the daily reset is at 4 a.m. So they’ll have to wait until then to finish this phase of the mission. While these visits do not have to be on consecutive days. Players should make sure they remember the mission in the days after each prayer.

Furthermore, each encounter will result in the appearance of a purple orb in front of the structure. And fans will know that their day’s job done when three of them have appeared. Washizu’s conversation changes significantly every day, thus players might wish to have a quick discussion with him at that point.
Players will surprised on the fourth day of their visit to the shrine, when Washizu becomes violent and attacks them. The Sinister Instruction world quest will begin after this attack, and the first aim is to vanquish the insane samurai.
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Washizu is an Electro-based Kairagi, therefore players should expect to face a formidable foe. It is in the best interests of players to attack the opponent before they enter their infusion state. As Electro assaults will not harm them at this stage. Nonetheless, if the conflict lasts that long. Pyro and Anemo characters will be able to do the most damage during this phase.

Players will obtain an Incomplete Note and a Tattered Paper after defeating this foe. As well as the aforementioned order to visit Higi Village in search of the samurai’s belongings.
Fans should proceed to the southeast corner of the indicated area in Higi Village. And walk behind the residence they discover there for the final step. Players should then take a position in this nook between. The two torches and press the “Dig” input that comes onscreen. An Exquisite Chest will appear as a result of this action. And looting it will complete the Sinister Information quest and earn the Hollow Soul hidden achievement in Genshin Impact.