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How To Get Gold In Lost Ark: Best Ways

How To Get Gold In Lost Ark: Best Ways. NPCs use silver, but the market in Lost Ark utilises gold. This is the method to use if you want to get a lot of gold in a short amount of time.

It’s a pain to finish all of the Lost Ark stuff, go to the market, pick the perfect item, just to discover that the character is truly broke. Oh, that small silver mountain? That doesn’t imply anything. The auction house only accepts gold coins, so those without any are out of luck.

Fortunately, there is a way for gamers to obtain a large amount of gold in a short period of time. There are numerous alternative methods that take a long time, but this one is consistent and repeatable. In the global trade market of Lost Ark, going from small-time to big-time takes less than a day of work.

Locate A Traveling Merchant

Throughout the world, wandering merchants appear at random. There are a few techniques to track them down on a regular basis. Guild members can ask their friends to swiftly scan the map for the wheel icon. In most guilds, this is a common topic of discussion, so don’t be shy about asking.

For those who prefer to be alone in the world, after quickly levelling up, simply begin porting from map to map. This is free for those having a Crystalline Aura. This will cost a little silver for everyone else, but it’ll be well worth it. Silver is easy to harvest, while gold is considerably more difficult to accumulate.

Each merchant has a few tiny perks that others can create for themselves. Cards, goods required for the Adventurer’s Time, and achievement-based products are also available. These are extremely valuable and are worth far more in gold than they are worth in silver. Before you buy something, check sure it’s listed as tradeable.

Those who have reached the age of fifty will have a list of things they require and will be looking to complete entries and decks. Examine other prices and offer a competitive price, or one that is just below what the others are asking. Then repeat the procedure of tracking down the travelling trader, purchasing their valuables, and selling them for gold.

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Other Ways To Get Gold

It’s natural that turning silver into gold with this procedure isn’t fascinating for individuals without the silver money. These other techniques will not generate as much gold, but they will not cost you a fortune.

  • Complete co-op navigation missions
  • Find secret rooms in chaos dungeons
  • Do the first guardian raid
  • Sell crafted items, especially potions and grenades
  • Level up rapport with the NPCs
  • Look for adventure islands with gold rewards

Of course, there are more ways to obtain gold, but these are the most reliable. Furthermore, completing these tasks will usually result in some silver awards, which, as explained below, can be converted into gold.

Lost Ark is a PC game that was launched on December 4th, 2019.

How To Get Gold In Lost Ark: Best Ways