Where To Find Ralts In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, players may want to catch and evolve the Psychic/Fairy Ralts.
The Fairy-type has shown to be quite effective against the powerful Dragon-type since Pokemon X/Y. Prior to Generation 6, certain Pokemon granted dual-typing or had their mono-typing modified completely. Although Fairy-type Pokemon from Generations 6-8 do not appear in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, older Pokemon such as Ralts do.
In the original Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, players had to use Ice-types or Dragon-types to battle Dragon-types like Garchomp. Trainers now have an extra trump card thanks to Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl keeping the Fairy-typing. This means that catching and evolving the Psychic/Fairy-type Ralts can be useful in the main storey of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Renri Seong updated this page on February 14, 2022: Since its debut in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire, Ralts has been a popular addition to the squad. The Pokemon world expanded on the Ralts-line by giving it a branching evolution between Gardevoir and Gallade in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. Gardevoir’s single Psychic-typing modified to Psychic/Fairy-type in the sixth generation of Pokemon to make it capable of taking on Dragon-type Pokemon and dealing super-effective damage. Fortunately, players can catch Ralts before the postgame in Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl and evolve it into Gardevoir and Gallade. Some trainers, though, may find it difficult to choose between these two Pokemon. This article has updated to contain more information about Ralts’ ultimate evolutions so that you may compare and contrast them.
Table of Contents
Ralts Capture

In the original Diamond/Pearl, players couldn’t catch Ralts until they got the National Dex from Professor Rowan. Ralts and Kirlia (its second-evolved form) were able to caught in the wild in Pokemon Platinum. Ralts seen in the wild because Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl substantially based on the original Diamond/Pearl.
Players can now catch more Pokemon before the National Dex than they could in Diamond/Pearl thanks to the new Grand Underground function. Trainers will have to seek for Ralts in the Grand Underground until they get the PokeRadar. Ralts can discovered on Route 203 and (south) Route 204 once players acquire the PokeRadar.
Ralts can found as a rare encounter in the following hideaways:
- Fountainspring Cave
- Dazzling Cave
- Stargleam Cavern
Kirlia can found at Dazzling Cavern as well, but only when the player has obtained the National Dex. Thankfully, Ralts is available right away in these hideaways.
Ralts can found at roughly level 16 when they first appear. Ralts is vulnerable to Poison, Steel, and Dark-types as a Psychic/Fairy. Use Pokemon that won’t target its vulnerability to deplete its health. Paralyze or Sleep it, but be aware that a Ralts with Synchronize will infect the player’s Pokemon with the paralysis-ailment.
Ralts Are Changing

At level 20, Ralts will evolve into Kirlia. Trainers should have no trouble levelling up thanks to the permanent EXP Share. It can, however, evolve into Gallade or Gardevoir depending on Kirlia’s gender. Although both evolutions have a total of 518 base stats, Gallade has a higher Attack and Gardevoir has a higher Special Attack.
When a Kirlia reaches level 30, it evolves into Gardevoir, a Psychic/Fairy-type Pokémon. A male Kirlia, on the other hand, will evolve into the Psychic/Fighting-type Gallade if given a Dawn Stone. A Dawn Stone may found on Route 225 and another in Mt. Coronet, but they’re also in the Grand Underground.
More Information About Gardevoir & Gallade

Gardevoir and Gallade are both formidable Pokemon, but players need be aware of their various Typings before developing their Kirlia. Gardevoir is the best choice for Special Attackers, while Gallade is the best choice for Physical Attackers. Both Pokemon have attacks that are extremely efficient against Poison and Fighting-type Pokemon because to their Psychic typing.
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Gardevoir is a good choice for those worried about Cynthia and her Garchomp in the Elite Four. Its Fairy-type attacks will be more than enough to deal massive damage to Garchomp. Garchomp’s Poison Jab attack, on the other hand, should avoided. Gardevoir can taken out in a single strike because to Garchomp’s excellent Speed and Attack. Give Gardevoir a Quick Claw or wait for the Friendship bonuses to come in so it doesn’t have to fight Garchomp as much.
Gallade is a fantastic Pokemon to have on your squad if you require a Psychic or Fighting-type. It isn’t vulnerable to Poison Jab like Gardevoir, but it can defeated by Pokemon like Togekiss (Fairy/Flying-type). Worse, neither Gardevoir nor Gallade have particularly high Speed stats.
Gardevoir & Gallade

While they should be able to move faster than other Pokemon, they aren’t impossible to outrun. Regardless, equipping Gallade and Gardevoir with the appropriate Moveset, which provides coverage and STAB, will make them a valuable complement to the squad.
Finally, players should think about their Gardevoir and/or Gallade’s Natures. Modest (+Sp. Attk, -Attk) is the ideal Nature for Gardevoir, whereas Adamant (+Attk, -Sp.Attk) is preferable for Gallade.
Since their base Speed stat is 80, trainers should avoid Natures that inhibit their Speed growth. While their Defense isn’t great, having a Nature that reduces any of their Defense/Special Defense growth puts them vulnerable to their opponents’ super-effective techniques.
On Nintendo Switch, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl are now available.