How To Beat Giovanni February 2022 Pokemon GO. Giovanni is returning to Pokemon GO in February, and players will need a well-balanced team to take on his formidable Pokemon.
In 2022, Niantic’s genre-defying ARPG will celebrate its sixth anniversary, and the game shows no signs of slowing down. A constant stream of updates and events keeps the game fresh, with new features emerging every month. The Team GO Rocket bosses, which allow players to face tough NPC trainers for rare rewards, are one of the most popular features to Pokemon GO.
Team GO Rocket is just as wicked as all of Team Rocket’s past incarnations throughout the Pokemon franchise. Giovanni, the major boss of Team GO Rocket, is at the absolute top of the vast criminal network. Giovanni is one of the most difficult Squad GO Rocket trainers to defeat in Pokemon GO, and it’s crucial to bring the appropriate team with you.
Table of Contents
The First Pokemon Of Giovanni

Giovanni, like the other Team GO Rocket commanders. Always starts with his signature Pokemon. The one that has accompanied him throughout all of the games, films, and television shows. Persian is a Normal-type Pokemon, making it vulnerable to Fighting. It also employs a mix of Normal, Dark, Rock, and Fairy attacks, making it difficult to defeat.
Players should use a powerful Fighting Pokemon to exploit Persian’s vulnerability. Owever Rock-type Pokemon can still be useful in a pinch. Persian will be easily handled by Machamp, Lucario, or Hariyama with the Counter move. As well as Tyranitar or Terrakion using Smack Down.
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The Second Pokemon of Giovanni

In February 2022, Giovanni’s second Pokemon might be a Water-type Kingler, Poison/Ground-type Nidoking, or Ground/Rock-type Rhyperior. This ambiguity makes it difficult to design a successful counterpick. But there are some crossovers that players may take advantage of. Electric and Grass are weak to Kingler, Ground, Ice, Psychic, and Water are weak to Nidoking. While Water and Grass are weak to Rhyperior.
There are two sites of intersection between these weaknesses: Kingler and Rhyperior are both weak to Grass. While Rhyperior and Nidoking are both susceptible to Water. The latter two should be easily handled by a powerful Water-type like Empoleon with Waterfall and Hydro Cannon. While the other key weakness can be covered by a Grass-type. Like Zarude with Vine Whip or Torterra with Razor Leaf. Because Kingler is resistant to water and Nidoking is not, bringing Grass is the more reasonable choice.
Giovanni’s Final Pokemon

Shadow Lugia, a corrupted form of the Legendary Psychic/Flying Pokemon, is Giovanni’s third and final Pokemon in February 2022. With a diverse mix of weaknesses. Shadow Lugia’s odd type combination and Shadow nature make it a difficult Pokemon to resist. The Diving Pokemon is vulnerable to Rock, Ghost, Electric, Ice, and Dark, but strong against Fighting, Grass, and Psychic, and totally immune to Ground.
To easily fight Shadow Lugia, players will need to bring an outstanding Pokemon. And the best choices are Zacian, Yveltal, and Melmetal, all of which are Legendary or Mythical. Zacian and Yveltal will be able to rapidly destroy Shadow Lugia with their Dark and Electric attacks. With Wild Charge, Snarl, and Dark Pulse being standouts. Melmetal won’t be able to defeat Lugia as swiftly. But thanks to its high resistances, it has a better chance of surviving.
On mobile devices, Pokemon GO is now available.