Lost Ark resist or swear fealty. Players will forced to make a decision at a key time in the plot of Raiders of the Lost Ark, but which option is the best?
The storey of Lost Ark is just enough to explain why players are acting the way they are. The storey of Raiders of the Lost Ark is unlikely to win any prizes, but it does provide as a basis for the rest of the high-fantasy action.
Players will offered with many options while exploring Arkesia as one of Lost Ark’s classes. Most of them entail deciding whether to save or kill an opponent. However, there is one option that appears to have a significant impact on the story’s outcome. During the Glorious Wall quest, you must make this critical decision. The player and their allies are closing in on Scheritt and his henchmen, who are garrisoning Luterra Castle. Scheritt will make an offer to players as soon as they enter the throne room, which may take them off guard. They have the option of betraying their allies and joining the demonic army. But which option is the best?

If the player chooses to fight Scheritt, the plot will follow its normal course and a fight will happen. It’s not possible to use the Song of Escape in this situation.
Fealty Swear
If the player instead swears fealty to Scheritt, the result will be drastically different. Instead, it’s the same as resisting, but with a few extra steps. As Scheritt approaches, the character will kneel in obedience, only to rise and assault the villain, catching him off surprise.

There are other faux options like this in Raiders of the Lost Ark that have no bearing on the plot. It begs the question as to why they were included in the first place if there no benefit to them in the end. Both options should not have given if they produce the identical result, as this entirely destroys any player agency that was trying to be established. The result is similar to determining whether to sell Lost Ark’s unused gear or destroy it, but the number of steps it took to get there is different.
There is an almost overwhelming amount of content to enjoy in Lost Ark, regardless of which decisions a player takes. In 2018, Smilegate and Amazon decided to bring the hit action MMO to the Americas and Europe, after it was first released in South Korea, Russia, and Japan. There’s a lot to take in and savour with over four years of content hitting new audiences at launch, including minor moments like these in the plot.
The PC version of Raiders of the Lost Ark is now available.