Lost Ark: How To Get A Power Pass. From extensive character progression to a deep loot and equip system, Lost Ark has everything you’d expect from an MMO. As players progress through the main tale and develop their characters’ abilities and armour, they may feel compelled to create a new character without having to start from the beginning. The Power Pass is useful in this situation. We’ll go over what the does in Raiders of the Lost Ark and how you can earn one.
What is a Power Pass – Lost Ark
The Power Pass is an uncommon artefact that allows you to skip levels 10 through 50. Players will also receive the requisite gear for their level when they redeem the Power Pass. The Power Pass’s objective is to allow players to save several hours of gameplay time by skipping storey information that they’ve already seen. You’ll run into this problem if you’ve completed the game with one character and wish to attempt a new class.

How to get a Power Pass – Lost Ark
In Lost Ark, players must complete the Main Quest (Ealyn’s Gift) in order to receive. A Power Pass will mailed to you after this completed. Players will receive a second Power Pass once it has consumed. Power Passes limited to two per player in Lost Ark, so make sure you’re certain before using them. It’s unclear whether developer Smilegate Entertainment intends to offer additional ways to acquire Power Passes in the future.
The game’s launch notes have more information on the Power Pass. You can change your post-game preparations now that you know how to earn. Allow Shacknews to be your guide across Arkesia as you continue to explore all that Lost Ark has to offer.