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Should You Help Jack And Joe In Dying Light 2

Should You Help Jack And Joe In Dying Light 2. It’s difficult to sympathise with terrorists, but gamers of Dying Light 2 may change their minds after they get to know and understand Jack and Joe.

In post-apocalyptic environments, it a common myth that humans can turn into monsters when they surrounded by them. One of the most extreme examples of this is Dying Light 2, which constantly tests how many times players can forgive horrible atrocities.

By controlling the whole water supply, Jack and Joe have been keeping the marketplace hostage. When things become bad, they plant bombs on the water tower, intending to blow it up if their demands met. Aiden defuses the bombs, but the rest is up to the Dying Light 2 fans to decide.

If Aiden Helps Jack And Joe

Aiden’s assistance to Jack and Joe is an act of pure charity on his part. The two characters are sympathetic in their hardships, but not in the manner in which they conduct themselves. While they are still distrustful, they will immediately allow Aiden to take control of the water tower.

Aiden will given a side assignment later on to uphold his pledge and assist Jack and Joe into the next location. The rewards aren’t huge, but the rapid bursts of action and parkour experience encourage players to complete as many missions as they can.

If Aiden Refuses To Help Jack And Joe

After refusing to help Jack and Joe in Dying Light 2, you must fight them.

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Declining to assist Jack and Joe goes just as planned. They try to blow up the water tower, oblivious to the fact that Aiden has turned off their equipment (although he was pretty explicit about that part earlier in the conversation). This immediately starts a two-boss combat.

Because there are two bosses, the fight may be frightening, but don’t expect anything out of the ordinary. They behave similarly to the bandits from previous encounters, with the exception that they have a little more health than the other NPCs. It’s all over if you kill them both.

This option mostly focused on role-playing, which more essential than the prizes. Aiden envisioned by the player as a brutal survivalist or as a man who would solve everyone’s problems? It’s fine to put yourself in the shoes of any position; it’s only a matter of preference.

Dying Light 2 was released on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC on February 4th, 2022.

Should You Help Jack And Joe In Dying Light 2