Lost Ark: Mokoko Seed Locations In Brilliant Ridge. This tutorial includes everything players need to know about collecting the seven Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark’s Brilliant Ridge.
Brilliant Ridge is a dungeon that players will visit as part of the main storey objective in Lost Ark. Fans may be interested in collecting all of the Mokoko Seeds. While visiting this dungeon, and there are a total of seven to be found in this area. However, there are a few tough things to know about the Brilliant Ridge Mokoko Seeds. In Lost Ark, and this guide is here to help players who are having trouble finding them.
The first thing to keep in mind about the Brilliant Ridge. Mokoko Seeds is that they will not materialise while the dungeon’s main storey quest is ongoing. Indeed, players should first concentrate on completing that quest before returning to Brilliant Ridge. Fans should find that all of these Lost Ark. Mokoko Seeds are now available to acquire upon reentry and they can utilise. The map and information below to track them down.
Lost Ark: Brilliant Ridge Mokoko Seeds

- 1: A burning brazier has dropped the first Mokoko Seed on the ground.
- 2: This Mokoko should be sought up by Lost Ark gamers. Seed on a little patch of grass adjacent to the boulders that make up the path’s perimeter.
- 3: Between a tree and some cylindrical rocks on the left side of the route.
- 4,5,6: Players should return to the spot marked with a “x” on the map. Above after eliminating the crab boss just past the third Mokoko Seed. MMORPG fans will find a glowing light and some tall rocks at this location, which they can now walk through to enter an invisible pathway. The three Mokoko Seeds are dispersed around a platform at the other end of this journey.
- 7: Near the rocks on the left side of this nook, you’ll find the final Mokoko Seed.
While players should now have all of the necessary information to earn the Brilliant Ridge Mokoko Seeds, it is worth noting that some of these items are difficult to spot. Thankfully, the indicator that appears when a Lost Ark character is close to a Mokoko Seed makes this a small annoyance. If a player cannot find a Mokoko Seed in one of the following locations, they can simply roam around the area and wait for the icon to appear.
The PC version of Raiders of the Lost Ark is now available.