How To Get Riolu In Pokemon Legends Arceus. Do you require a powerful Fighting-type? Lucario, as one of the greatest Fighting-types in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, is an excellent choice. Players can either catch it in the wild or evolve a Riolu to add it to their team. Unfortunately, both of these Pokemon are only available after a certain point in the game.
Once players have unlocked the Alabaster Icelands, though, finding and catching Riolu or Lucario is a breeze. Here are the locations where you can find them, as well as instructions on how to evolve Riolu.
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Riolu’s Locations in Arceus’ Pokemon Legends

Riolu isn’t difficult to find in Hisui. When the Alabaster Icelands are ready to be surveyed, go to one of the following locations:
- Icebound Falls
- Snowfall Hot Spring
Riolu can be found in both of these sites in any weather and at any time of day. Riolu can also debut as an alpha Pokemon near the Icebound Falls or during a major outbreak event. Lucario can also be found in these locations if you don’t want to go through the evolution process!

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Riolu’s Evolution
In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, players who want to evolve a Riolu need believe in the power of friendship. Riolu evolves when its friendship with its Trainer is at an all-time high. Riolu will be able to evolve after it reaches a rating of 220.
Friendship can elevated in a variety of ways:
- Riolu should kept in your party and fought with.
- Winning those struggles strengthens friendship even more.
- Riolu sent out into the wild to gather resources.
- Riolu EXP and Rare Candies should be fed to Riolu.
In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, you can test your friendship.
Fortunately, verifying a Pokemon’s friendship levels in this game is quite simple, although players must first complete a brief mission called “Measuring Your Compatibility.” Speak with Belamy near the Pastures in Jubilife Village after you’ve calmed Kleavor down. He’ll be looking for evidence of a deep bond between Trainer and Pokemon. When the player shows him one, he’ll assess the player’s friendship with any Pokemon.
Riolu will be on the verge of transforming or will have evolved by the time Belamy says this line:
What a fantastic set of pals you and Pokémon are. You must hold a special place in each other’s hearts!
Simply go to Riolu in the party and select “Evolve!” from there.