Mokoko Seed Locations In Lost Ark. The Morai Ruins are a dungeon that players will encounter as they progress through the main storey quest in Lost Ark. This dungeon is full of deadly opponents to defeat, and fans will come across a lot of Mokoko Seeds on their journey to the conclusion. There are 11 Mokoko Seeds in all in the Morai Ruins dungeon of Lost Ark. This guide will show you exactly where to find them.
It’s worth noting that many of the Mokoko Seeds in this Lost Ark. Dungeon are not on the path depicted on the in-game map. Therefore players who want all of the Seeds will have to go into the dark parts numerous times. The lines on the map depicted in this guide represent the path that fans should walk through those dark areas. While the circles indicate where the Mokoko Seeds are located. Hopefully, these identifiers will make it simple to figure how how to approach the Seeds.
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Lost Ark: Morai Ruins Mokoko Seed Locations

- 1: Players in the Lost Ark should jump off the main path and grab the planks. That stretch from the wooden platform above them. On this platform, there is a cabin. The first Mokoko Seed can be found near the pots on the south side.
- 2: Take the main walkway on the south side of the hut and jump to a wood platform. The platform’s second Mokoko Seed is nearing the end.
- 3 & 4: On the way to the southeast of these two Mokoko Seeds. There is a toppled column that creates a ramp. Fans of MMORPGs need down the ramp and dispatch the two adversaries. At the bottom in order to clear some enormous brambles from their way. This will disclose a thin vine that fans can use to traverse a chasm and reach the Seeds.
- 5 & 6: Break the door to get entrance to the small room containing the fifth. Sixth Mokoko Seeds by attacking it.
- 7: Break the door and then jump through the hole that is left behind. On the stone platform, this Lost Ark Mokoko Seed is among the greenery.
- Descend the fallen column in steps 8 and 9. Pick up the Mokoko Seed near the bottom of the screen, which is close to a standing column. Then head northeast a few steps to find another Seed on the ground.
- 10 & 11: Pass by the waterfall and reach the platform with a Mokoko Seed by using the fallen column. Then, for the second one, walk a few steps northeast.