Lost Ark: Mokoko Seed Locations In Rethramis Border . There are a total of ten Mokoko Seeds at the Rethramis Border in Lost Ark. And this guide will assist players find them all.
To receive things from Totoma in Mokoko Village. Lost Ark players will need to collect a large number of Mokoko Seeds. Thankfully, there many Mokoko Seeds strewn around Arkesia, with ten of them arriving at the Rethramis Border. Guide contains information on all of the locations where Rethramis Border Mokoko Seeds may found in Lost Ark. Those fans who are having problems finding them.
It’s worth noting that if a player only has one outstanding Mokoko Seed at Rethramis Border. They should concentrate on Seeds #1 and #2 from the list below. Indeed, the Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark are really close together, making it very easy to overlook one.
Lost Ark: Rethramis Border Mokoko Seed Locations

- 1&2: Walk a few steps left of the Regira Monastery Teleport, stopping just before stepping onto the stone path. Follow the edge of that path down and to the left to run into the corner of a building. The first two Mokoko Seeds hidden at that corner.
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- 3: Lost Ark players should descend the stairs to the right of the Regira Monastery Teleport. At the bottom, head up and to the right to find the third Mokoko Seed on the ground.
- 4: There is a house in this position. And the fourth Mokoko Seed is by a leafless tree at its top-left corner.
- 5: There a climbable wall in the bottom-left corner of the Graveyard. And the fifth Mokoko Seed hidden by the leaves of a lush tree on the upper level. To note, MMORPG fans that are unable to climb the wall should make sure that they have eliminated all the enemies in its vicinity.
- 6&7: These two Seeds are near some large bones that are a short distance from Mokoko Seed #5.
- 8: Look for this Mokoko Seed on the ground near the water where NPCs are filling buckets.
- 9: The ninth Mokoko Seed is in a bush near a campfire.
- 10.This final Mokoko Seed is behind a windmill, next to a cart with a horse.
One last point to add that a number of these Mokoko Seeds carefully disguised. And some fans will miss them in their designated locations. Players will need to rely on the hand icon that shows. When a Lost Ark character is near a Seed if this situation develops. Fans will need to employ this method frequently when hunting Mokoko Seeds. And many players will well-versed in it by the time they reach the Rethramis Border.
The PC version of Raiders of the Lost Ark is now available.