How Long Does It Take To Beat Earthbound. Earthbound is a timeless classic, but newcomers might be curious about Ness’ cross-country voyage through time and space.
Some games taken down for long periods of time. Earthbound, and the Mother series in general, is constantly gaining new admirers and spawning. Spiritual successors more than 25 years after its first release.
While the arrival of Earthbound and Earthbound Beginnings. On the Nintendo Switch Online service isn’t the long-awaited localization of Mother 3, it is a reason to rejoice. Ness’ cross-country voyage through time and space will soon experienced by a new generation of players.

Before leaving, new players may wish to know how long the voyage would take. It varies depending on how talented they are and how much of the game they want to experience, as it does with most JRPGs.
How Long To Beat Earthbound
Earthbound is the perfect length, not too long but not too short. A typical playing will take between 25 and 30 hours. A rapid playthrough could completed in under 20 hours. New players, on the other hand, should not expect their first run to be in the lower time limit.

The wacky difficulty curve in Earthbound is one of the game’s most well-known features. It isn’t the most challenging JRPG, but it does have some surprising difficulty spikes throughout the campaign, such as the Territorial Oaks in the Peaceful Rest Valley or Earthbound’s notorious climactic battle against Giygas. New players may stuck in a few locations, but veteran players will know when to prepare.
Putting aside the game’s difficulties, Earthbound isn’t exactly a fast-paced experience. While the game lacks traditional side tasks. It is chock-full of hidden details and surprises, most of which come in the form of optional dialogue or unusual goods. Shigesato Itoi, the game’s inventor, has expressed his desire for players to take their time when playing.
The gameplay will take roughly 40 hours if the player goes for a completionist run, which includes collecting all of the game’s equipment and experiencing everything it has to offer. It may take longer for really unfortunate or devoted players. Players must pay $7500 in-game to complete the Onett home side quest, and some of the best gear concealed behind some adversaries’ 1/128 probability drop rate.
If the gamer wants more after completing this, there is much to choose from. Earthbound Beginnings, the NES predecessor to Earthbound, is also available in English. If that wasn’t enough, Earthbound’s legacy is carried on by an entire cottage industry of indie games. Earthbound fans are eating well despite the fact that they are still waiting for the official release of the iconic third instalment.
EarthBound is currently playable on the Nintendo Switch through Nintendo Switch Online.