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How To Get The Gold On Nightrunner Trial II In Dying Light 2

How To Get The Gold On Nightrunner Trial II In Dying Light 2. In Dying Light 2, the second parkour task is nothing like the first. It’s more compact, and players can visit all of the checkpoints in any order they like. This may make it appear easier, but Aiden should not be fooled by the angle of freedom; this path will very certainly necessitate a more specific route than the previous.

That is, at least, the situation for players vying for the gold medal. If all goes according to plan, players should be able to complete the objectives in under two seconds. It’ll be close, but Dying Light 2 players should be able to win the gold medal without any improvements if they follow the exact order.

Optimal Path And Times

Aiden will need to execute a very specific counterclockwise circular loop from right to left after reaching the first point in front of him, according to the plan. It may be tempting to move left to obtain the closer point first, but the lower elevation will make winning difficult unless players have already earned the strongest parkour talents.

Checkpoint 1 – 0:04

Hop on the beam just to the left of the checkpoint for the first jump. Players can’t go straight for the point unless they have power-leveled their parkour experience, which requires them to complete a pull-up, which takes time away from the clock.

Checkpoint 2 – 0:06

The distance between the first and second points is relatively small. Avoid the windows by jumping to the roof.

Aiden is forced into a climbing animation by the windows, which takes significantly longer than scrambling up the steep section of the opposing roof. Pass through them and reach the checkpoint.

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Checkpoint 3 – 0:11

The route from the second to the third is simple, however you must jump from the top of a moss-covered elevated window. Aiden can land smoothly on his feet again because to his considerable height, and he avoids getting stuck on the corner he jumps toward.

Checkpoint 4 – 0:14

Aiden has three options at this time, two of which are incorrect. He has the ability to run around the right side, but it takes too long. He can also run straight to the fourth checkpoint, forcing him to perform a pull-up.

The best option is to leap onto an extended part of the roof slightly to the right of the point and run a few feet to it.

Checkpoint 5 – 0:19

The final step is the simplest, but it takes time and is easy to become distracted. Don’t be sidetracked by the right-hand ventilation ramp or the air conditioner in front of you. Aiden can walk right under the shaft without ducking. After that, climb to the top of the lamppost and celebrate your gold medal!

How To Get The Gold On Nightrunner Trial II In Dying Light 2