Best Psychic Pokemon In Pokemon Arceus.bSome of the best Psychic-types from the series are absent from Pokemon Legends: Arceus. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any outstanding ones.
Psychic-type Pokemon were among the greatest in the original Pokemon Red and Blue series. However, since the introduction of secondary typings. Psychic-types’ influence on the Pokemon meta has gradually decreased with each new iteration, and this is something. That is clearly visible in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.
The fact that several of the series’ best Psychic-type Legendaries. Didn’t make the cut for the Hisui Pokedex featured in Pokemon Legends: Arceus doesn’t help matters. This isn’t to say that there aren’t some feasible options for those wishing to add a Psychic to their team. Especially once players have access to the game’s extensive post-game features.
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While some may prefer Azelf because of its substantially greater starting stat total. Alakazam undoubtedly outperforms it in the most important areas. While Azelf does have a high Attack stat. It is fairly insignificant given that most of the strongest Psychic-type. Attacks fall into the Special category rather than the Physical category. With this in mind, Alakazam’s somewhat higher Speed and Special Attack. Numbers give it a slight advantage over its pure Psychic-type counterparts. To get the most out of Alakazam, opt for one with a Modest disposition, but Mild would suffice.
How To Get Alakazam In Pokemon Legends: Arceus
The Alpha Alakazam can be found in the Obsidian Fieldlands’ Sandgem Flats area. In the Alabaster Icelands. Its unevolved forms Abra and Kadabra may also found in the same area, as well as near Lake Acuity. At Level 16, Abra develops into Kadabra, and after being traded or exposed. To a Linking Cord, Kadabra evolves into Alakazam.

Cresselia isn’t particularly offensive, but what it lacks in bite it more than makes up for in overall toughness. Its high defensive stats let it to endure a lot of damage and its availability. To powerful Fairy-type techniques gives it more versatility than its pure Psychic-type would suggest. It’s also the only Pokemon with the ability to utilise Lunar Blessing. A powerful move that boosts Cresselia’s evasion while also recovering its health. Players should seek out Cresselia with a Calm disposition, as this boosts Special Defense at the expense of Attack.
In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, How Do You Get Cresselia?
To catch Cresselia, players must first complete storey task #23. By conversing with Cogita at the Ancient Retreat after completing the main plot. They must next travel to the Moonview Arena in the Coronet Highlands to speak with Melli. They’ll be in the arena and have a chance to catch the Lunar Pokemon after the talk is finished.

Despite the fact that Uxie’s base stat total is slightly lower, due to its improved stat distribution, it may offer a tiny advantage over Cresselia. The pure Psychic-type excels in many of the same areas as the Lunar Pokemon, but has greater Defense and Speed stats while matching it in Special Attack and Special Defense. However, Uxie, like Cresselia, is at its best when it has a Calm temperament.
In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Here’s How To Get Uxie
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Players must first complete the main storey before speaking with Cogita about the mystery plates in order to obtain Uxie. They’ll be able to return to the cavern in the heart of Lake Acuity after that, where Uxie will be waiting for them.

In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, there aren’t many strong Psychic-type Pokemon with secondary typings, which makes Gardevoir extremely valuable in certain scenarios. It is totally resistant to Dragon-type attacks due to its Psychic / Fairy type, yet three of the finest Dragon-types in Pokemon Legends: Arceus have either Steel or Ghost as their secondary typing, so this isn’t as advantageous as it may appear at first look. Regardless, Gardevoir’s excellent Special Attack and Special Defense numbers offer it an advantage over all but a few of its rivals, especially when its nature is Modest or Mild.
In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, How Do You Get Gardevoir?
In the Alabaster Icelands’ Heart’s Crag section, players can find an Alpha Gardevoir below in one of the ice holes. They can also find its unevolved forms Ralts and Kirlia in the same place, as well as the Snowpoint Temple and the Crimson Mirelands’ Shrouded Ruins portion. At Level 20, Ralts evolves into Kirlia, while Kirlia evolves into Gardevoir at Level 30.

It may seem like a cop-out to pick a jack-of-all-trades as the greatest Psychic-type in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, but in a game with so much unpredictability, the pure Psychic-diverse type’s attributes just about give it the advantage. This very definitely would not have been the case if the game had included strong hitters like Mewtwo or some of the many outstanding dual-type Psychic Legendaries, but as it stands, Mesprit is the best of a rather lacklustre lot. Because of its adaptability, picking a nature can be difficult, which is why many people choose a Neutral nature like Hardy or Docile.
In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Here’s How You Get Mesprit
After completing the main quest and speaking with Cogita about the plates, players will need to return to the cavern in the heart of Lake Verity to catch Mesprit.
The Nintendo Switch version of Pokemon Legends: Arceus is now available.