How To Ride a Hoverboard In Dying Light 2. In Dying Light 2, players can ride on a hoverboard by completing a secret parkour task. Which is detailed in this tutorial.
In Dying Light 2, there are a few hidden parkour challenges, including one that requires players to ride a hoverboard. Fans can’t just stroll up to a location and start the Hoverboard parkour challenge; they must first meet specific requirements. The objective of this guide is to detail those requirements, and fans. Who continue reading should be able to unlock the Hoverboard secret challenge in Dying Light 2 without too much difficulty.
Hoverboard Parkour Challenge In Dying Light 2

Fans who want to put their hoverboard talents to the test should start. At the Church of Saint Thomas on Saint Paul Island’s east side. When players get at this area. They should enter the church and proceed through the sanctuary, using their parkour skills in Dying Light 2. To reach a ladder in the northeast corner. The fans should next grab the rope to their left and swing across a gap. Cross another gap with the chandelier, and jump through the opening in the wall in front of them.
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Players will now be in a chamber on the right with an open door. Which they should enter and use to take the cable from the green generator. This wire can be linked into a generator adjacent to the bell. Which is high above the green generator, and players in Dying Light 2. Will have to climb ladders, scaffolding, and poles to get to it. Players must then continue ascending until they reach a room with a radio after the cable has been installed.

Challenge In Dying Light 2
After interacting with the radio, players should engage with the hoverboard that appears next to the room’s window. The hoverboard will vanish as a result of this activity, and zombie video game enthusiasts will need to use their Survivor Sense to follow the red footprints on the ground and engage with the hoverboard they are led to. After there, players must repeat the process multiple times until they reach an automobile near the southeast corner of the Muddy Grounds.
Now all fans have to do is interact with the car’s trunk to open it and show the final hoverboard. The Hoverboard hidden challenge begins with this object, which players must steer through a total of 23 checkpoints. Fans will receive medals based on their speed, as is characteristic of parkour challenges in Dying Light 2, and gamers aiming for the gold may need to hop on the hoverboard many times.
Dying Light 2 is out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, with a Nintendo Switch version in the works.