How To Get Past The Three Anglerfish In Outer Wilds There are numerous risks to be aware of in the Outer Wilds. The Anglerfish is one of the most scary of them all. They live on the borders of the Outer Wilds solar system. Within the Dark Bramble and serve as a lethal stumbling block to any players. Hunting for Feldspar or any of the other secrets within the Bramble.
Players will discover how to explore the Dark Bramble without attracting the notice of its many-toothed residents in this tutorial. Please advised that this guide contains spoilers for several of the Dark Bramble’s secrets. Wherever possible, spoiler warnings will issued ahead of time.
Table of Contents
The Dark Bramble

The Dark Bramble is one of the most difficult places to explore in the Outer Wilds. Owing to the heavy fog and the fact that each trail deeper into the Bramble acts as a sort of portal inside a seed. Teleporting the player about in ways that typical navigation strategies are impossible to use.
These portal seeds radiate light, but it’s the same light that the Anglerfish lures give out. Making it difficult to determine if the player is flying toward the passage deeper inside or into a monster’s waiting maw. If the player can survive long enough to find them. There are several secrets and useful pieces of knowledge hidden beyond these portals.
Using probes to observe what’s on the other side of a portal before entering it is the best way to make sure it leads somewhere. And to determine if a portal leads to a different part of the same bramble rather than somewhere new.
The following section includes spoilers. To avoid them, skip ahead to the next section.
The egg cluster, fellow Timber Hearth astronaut Feldspar, and, most crucially. The Nomai Vessel three of the many secrets discovered within the Dark Bramble.
The Nomai Vessel must found in order to reach the game’s conclusion. Which means players will compelled to enter the Dark Bramble and face the Anglerfish at some point. The Anglerfish’s origins may revealed by the egg cluster. Which one of the few places in the Bramble where two Anglerfish may found near together.
They Track Prey By Sound
One simple fact about Anglerfish holds the key to avoiding them. The Anglerfish are completely blind and rely on sound to find the player. As a result, the safest way to escape the Anglerfish is to line up the desired location from afar. Fire the engines momentarily to generate momentum. And then kill the engines so that the ship coasts through the Bramble fog without making any noise.
While it is definitely terrifying to undertake. It is the most effective technique of guaranteeing that the Anglerfish do not hear the ship as it goes by. Scouts should launched and employed to photograph any light source within the Bramble. From a safe distance to ensure the ship does not launch silently right into an Anglerfish mouth. Players can use this to determine whether the light source is a seed or an Anglerfish.
Launching scouts and going as quietly as possible should allow players to avoid drawing the Anglerfish’s attention. Which is desirable because they can swallow the ship in a single bite.
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Advanced Tips for Navigating the Bramble
While the information in the previous sections makes exploring the Bramble fairly simple. There are a few additional essential navigational tips to keep in mind, especially while trying to reach certain key spots.
There are little seeds at various spots that the player and their ship cannot pass through. However, a scout can launched through them. Due to the fact that the scout sends a tracking signal that can detected through portals. All portals heading to the other side of that seed will appear on screen as signals for the player to follow. This is frequently the quickest approach to find two of the bramble’s most critical areas.
To avoid spoilers in the following section, stop reading now.
Finding the stray seed on Timber Hearth and firing the probe into it is the easiest way to get to Feldspar’s campsite. Then travelling into the Bramble by ship and following the signal all the way to his campsite. Feldspar has set up residence inside the skeleton of a recently deceased Anglerfish.
Similarly, getting to the Nomai Vessel can made easier. However a little foray into the Bramble required to uncover the small seed that leads to it.
The seed can found by following the trail of lights from an escape pod. Within the Bramble (escape pod 3) to a seed surrounded by multiple Nomai corpses.
When you use the scout on this seed, you’ll get two duplicate scout signals. The strong red light’s signal the one that should obeyed. When you get to the red-light-emitting seed. Accelerate as much as you can as you approach it, then kill the power.
Beyond the seed, there are three Anglerfish. Therefore players should wait until they can no longer heard breathing. Before beginning movements to follow the scout signal farther. The seed that planted in the location where the scout signal is emitted will lead to the Vessel.