Ornaments Guide In Slime Rancher. Slime Rancher is a farming game with a laid-back atmosphere. While players must keep track of the shifting seasons, they are not required to totally optimise their slime farm’s production.
While novice players should concentrate on getting their farm up and running, it’s not a bad idea to decorate it with Slime Rancher’s numerous decorations. The decorations are one of the more uncommon varieties.
We Like to Party
At the moment, the only way to obtain decorations is to participate in time-limited party weekend events. Slime Rancher summons a special Party Gordo someplace in the Far Far Range every Friday, easily identifiable by its star-shaped sunglasses.
It spawns in the same spot for all players, thus confirming its location by looking it up online shouldn’t be too difficult. However, the game does provide a helpful hint for those who want to look for it themselves. Because the Party Gordo is always playing music, players can only follow their ears.

Players can explode the Party Gordo by feeding it 10 food once they’ve found it. When you burst it, you’ll get four pink slimes, one rare ornament, and eight party boxes with randomised ornaments.
Note that the Party Gordo ignores the player’s current spawning progress and may arrive in a location that is currently unreachable. To constantly find it, players may need to complete all of Slime Rancher’s exploring improvements.
Even if the player is unable to locate the Party Gordo, an ornament may still be obtained. All crates have a 50% chance of becoming party crates over the party weekend, so if the player is lucky, they’ll get anything.
A Risky Wiggly Wonderland

Ornaments first appeared in the Wiggly Wonderland update in 2017. Standard packages had a chance of dropping ornaments from December 20th to January 1st, 2018. One of 12 common ornaments that varied every day, or one of three rare ornaments that spawned randomly throughout the event.
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These 15 ornaments are currently unavailable to the general public. The boxes and decorations were replaced with Twinkle Slimes and chimes in subsequent Wiggly Wonderland events.
However, the event can be reloaded simply rolling the system calendar back to the original event dates. However, it is not recommended because it may permanently corrupt the game’s save file. On the Switch version of Slime Rancher, the event is likewise completely unavailable.