How To Evolve Togepi Into Togetic In Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Togepi was a Normal-type Pokemon with only one evolution: Togetic, before Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. Togepi evolves by a deep bond with its owner, unlike most Pokemon. Might become Togekiss with the addition of Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. Normal-typing was discarded from the Togepi-line in Pokemon X/Y in favour of Fairy-typing. This removed their Fighting-type weakness and made them extremely powerful against Dragon-type Pokemon while making them vulnerable to Poison and Steel-type techniques. Togepi and its evolutions make a comeback in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, with the same evolution techniques as in the previous generations.
It takes a long time to evolve Togepi in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, but it’s not impossible. Togepi will not be widely available at the start of the game, thus trainers will have to fight Volo’s Togepi before catching their own. They can catch and evolve as many Togepi as they like once they’ve progressed through the plot in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.
Table of Contents
Where to Find Togepi

Players will receive a Mission to the Crimson Mirelands when they have calmed the Noble Kleavor. Ursa’s Ring is a portion near the Bogbound Camp. The Droning Meadow is located on the other bank of the river from Ursa’s Ring. Cottonsedge Prairie is located to the north of Droning Meadow. Cottonsedge Prairie is where Togepi can be found.
Although crossing the river without Basculegion seems impossible, some players have been able to do so by making a running leap with Wyrdeer. If players don’t want to waste time jumping across, they can travel north from Bogbound Camp and around Lake Valor to Cottonsedge Prairie. It’s a long trek, but the only way to get to Cottonsedge Prairie without riding Basculegion or leaping with Wyrdeer is to walk there.
If Togepi spots the player, it will flee, so sneak up on it and grab it. Trainers should try to finish some of Togepi’s Pokedex research objectives as their friendship grows.
Raising Togepi’s Friendship

Trainers can ask Belamy in Jubilife Village about their friendship with Togepi. They must, however, first complete Request 28: Measuring Your Compatibility. After completing Mission 7: The Lord of the Woods’ Frenzy, speak to Belamy at the Pastures.
Friendship can be boosted or lowered based on how well the Pokemon performs in battle or by administering specific medications. If players aren’t careful, they might soon lose Friendship with their Pokemon, causing evolution to be delayed. Togepi’s Friendship must be at least 225. After that, level it up one more time to unlock its development.
When raising Togepi’s Friendship, trainers should keep the following in mind:
- Maintain Togepi’s presence in the party.
- Togepi should go out and collect apricorns, berries, or minerals/rocks.
- Keep Togepi from passing out in the middle of a battle.
- Remedies should not be fed to it. Remedies are medicinal herbs in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, and they reduce Friendship. Instead, use a Potion to restore Togetpi’s health in battle.
- Togepi should not be used to combat Pokemon that are 30 levels higher. Friendship will suffer if you lose to a Pokemon that is 30 levels higher or lower than you. If a Pokemon with 200+ Friendship faints in combat against a Pokemon 30 levels higher than its own, it will lose 10 Friendship points.
Evolving Togetic into Togekiss

The next step is to evolve it into Togekiss when it has become Togetic. Trainers should also think about finishing some of Togetic’s research missions in order to obtain Togetic’s Pokedex entry.
If Togetic is exposed to a Shiny Stone, it will develop into Togekiss. Evolutionary stones can be difficult to get by in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. They can’t be bought at the local store in Jubilife Village, but they can be purchased with Merit Points or found in the rocks and crystals around Hisui.
The cost of a Shiny Stone is 1200 Merit Points (MP). Finding satchels and returning them to their owners will earn players Merit Points. Satchels can be returned by heading to the Communications menu and selecting Lost and Found.
The amount of Merit Points awarded for returning a Satchel is depending by the contents. An Exp. Candies XL, for example, may provide 97 MP, but an Exp. Candies M may provide 52 MP.
Trainers can purchase the Shiny Stone from the Merit Shop next to Galaxy Hall if they have accumulated 1200 Merit Points.
Another option to obtain the Shiny Stone is for their Pokemon to break and shine crystals while out in the wild. Breaking these crystals can sometimes result in an evolving stone. Unfortunately, because the evolving stones are random, this is a risky technique to get Shiny Stones.
Go into the Satchel after obtaining the Shiny Stone and use it on Togetic to finish its evolution and obtain Togekiss.