How To Evolve Petilil Into Hisui Lilligant In Pokemon Legends Arceus. Pokemon Legends: Arceus drastically overhauled the formula of the franchise’s mainline releases. Terms of gameplay, while also drawing inspiration from the addition of regional forms in Pokemon Sun and Moon. Regional varieties first appeared in Generation 7, however they returned in Pokemon Sword and Shield. It’s only natural that several Pokemon in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Have Hisuian versions, and one of the new ones is Hisuian Lilligant, which requires an unique evolution procedure to obtain.
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How to Evolve Petilil into Hisuian Lilligant
In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, the only method to get Hisuian Lilligant is to evolve a Petilil with a Sun Stone. There are no additional criteria, such as Ursaluna’s evolution being dependent on an item or the lunar cycle. Therefore finding a Petilil and a Sun Stone may be the most difficult part.
Where to Find Petilil
Petilil only found in the Crimson Mirelands, one of Hisui’s sub-regions. Petilil only spawns in the Crimson Mirelands in the Holm of Trials area and the Cottonsedge Prairie. Both of which might be difficult to find the first time around.

Holm of Trials is also where players may catch Goomy and Hisuian Sliggoo early in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Making it a great place to visit if you want to have both. Hisuian Lilligant and Hisuian Goodra on your squad. Players would ordinarily have to utilise Basculegion to get to the Holm of Trials. But there is a special starting spot where they can use Wyrdeer to jump across the river.
Cottonsedge Prairies is located on the other side of Lake Valor. Which can circumnavigated by following its shoreline from the east, near the Diamond Settlement. Other intriguing Pokemon Legends: Arceus animals found in Cottonsedge Prairies include Alpha Vespiquen, Togepi, Togetic, and, of course, Petilil.
How to Get a Sun Stone
Sun Stones, like many other evolution goods, can obtained in a variety of methods. The first is to ride Ursaluna and search for buried treasure. Which can offer a variety of rare things, including Arceus’ new Linking Cord from Pokemon Legends: Arceus.
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The second option is to look for space-time distortion zones. Which can occasionally hold unique goods on the ground. These will have a spherical form rather than the usual Red, Green, and Blue Shards.
Sun Stones may also purchased for 1000 Merit Points from Simona’s shop in Jubilife Village. However it’s worth noting that the only Pokemon in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. That develops through a Sun Stone is Petilil, making it a more difficult item to obtain.
Finally, players can accomplish Request 85: At Home Under the Eaves. Which will guarantee them a Sun Stone as a reward.