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How To Level Up Quickly In Super Auto Pets

How To Level Up Quickly In Super Auto Pets.These techniques and methods should tried by players who want to swiftly level up in Super Auto Pets.

Super Auto Pets, an auto-battle game, has recently grown in popularity, with a slew of newcomers joining the fray. There are numerous ways to boost each pet, and stepping into the game without any prior experience can be intimidating. Leveling up a team is an important component of the game, and failing to do so might cost players a round.

The general levelling method is rather straightforward, as all a player needs to do to level their pet is purchase replicas of the creature they want to level up and combine them. When aiming to level up a squad as rapidly as possible, there are a few simple tips to keep in mind. Here are some tips and tricks for new Super Auto Pets players that are aiming for higher-level teams.

Aim For Common Animals

Going for the most common pets is one of the simplest ways to ensure a leveled-up pet in the early stages. If the first pool of pets offers no viable options, the player can take a chance and roll a coin to reset their pool of pets to choose from.

Each pet has a varied spawn rate, and while it may be difficult to tell the more common rolls apart from the rarer ones at first, it will become clearer after a few rounds. Players can estimate the draw rates of each pet not only from their own rolls, but also from opponent teams they face.

The player can then select to recruit from the pets with a higher spawn rate in order to increase their chances of buying and levelling duplicates.

Another thing to bear in mind (especially in the early games) is that it’s often wiser to buy duplicates and keep them on the team separate before combining them to level them up. It’s sometimes best to save the level-up for another round because it just adds one health and one attack to the pet.

In the early rounds, keeping duplicates on the team separate can help with numbers. When the last duplicate appears, it’s best to merge pets in order to fully level up instead of simply getting the minor health and attack benefit.

Keep In Mind To Freeze

Freezing creatures or goods is an often-overlooked tool in the game that must exploited to get the most out of each round. Don’t terminate the turn so hastily if a duplicate of a pet required and there enough coins in the bank! Because freezing an item or pet doesn’t cost the player anything, it’s a good idea to do so before each round ends.

Because freezing a pet does not prevent it from spawning in any of the other open locations, freezing can result in a fast level leap in a single turn.

Learn How To manage Your Money

It a common mistake made by newer players to not use their money to their full potential. It’s sometimes better to take a chance and use coins for rolls rather than buying pets only to fill places or boost a pet that doesn’t need an item right now.

When the player tries to conclude a turn with coins left over, the game prompts the player for a reason. If there are only one or two coins left and nothing to buy, make sure to utilise those coins for some rolls; this will increase the player’s chances of rolling duplicates.

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Make Use Of Chocolate

The delectable chocolate bar is the only food item in the game that allows players to level up their pets. The chocolate bar costs three coins and is a tier six food item.

It can given to a single pet after purchase to grant them one point of experience, one point of attack, and one point of health. Pets can rapidly levelled by rolling for chocolate or freezing it in times of necessity.

Purchasing Pets From Newly Opened Tiers

The various tiers of pets sealed in the early phases of fight and unlocked as the player progresses. To gain a jump on some of the higher-tier pets as soon as feasible, the player might choose to purchase a pet from the newly unlocked tier as soon as possible.

Purchasing and investing in a newly unlocked pet can help you roll duplicates more frequently later in the game.


The Caterpillar and the Hatching Chick the only two pets in the Super Auto Pets paid addition that have an effect on the experience. The Caterpillar has one attack and three health, as well as the ability to acquire experience at a rate that is proportional to its level.

Meanwhile, in order to gain any experience rewards, the Hatching Chick must levelled up to level three. When it reaches level three, it offers the companion in front one point of experience as well as one additional health and attack point.

Super Auto Pets is a game that can downloaded for Android, Linux, and Windows.

How To Level Up Quickly In Super Auto Pets