How To Evolve Graveler Into Golem In Pokemon Legends Arceus . Pokemon Legends: Arceus fans will no longer need to trade their Graveler in order to develop it into a Golem. Thanks to a revolutionary new evolution item.
Certain Pokemon may only evolve after shared between two players. Therefore trading has always a big part of the Pokemon franchise. After years of complaints from gamers who preferred the single-player experience. Game Freak decided to make a modification in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Allowing players a new way to evolve their trade evolution Pokemon that doesn’t require two people.
The Geodude family of Pokemon is one of the few evolutionary lineages that has profited from this modification. To be clear, players can still evolve into by exchanging it with a friend. In but they can now also use a specific item to activate the transformation. This guide will explain how everything works and where players can obtain the new evolutionary gear required to evolve Graveler.
In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, How Can You Evolve Graveler Into A Golem?

In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, there are two ways to evolve Graveler into Golem. The first is the tried-and-true trade procedure, which initiated by speaking with the woman at Jubilife Village’s Pokemon Exchange. The second will necessitate the usage of a unique evolution item known as the Linking Cord. Which can also found at the Pokemon Exchange desk (through the Item Exchange option) and a few other locations.

Players should find a Linking Cord in their Satchel and then use it on Graveler. After getting their hands on one. This will start the evolution process, and they’ll have a brand new Golem in their party in around 30 seconds. Because the new evolution item is difficult. To come by and can also used to evolve Machoke, Kadabra, and Haunter, players. Should think twice about utilising it on Graveler.
Where To Find A Linking Cord In Pokemon Legends: Arceus

As previously stated, players can obtain a Linking Cord for 1,000 Merit Points at the Pokemon. Exchange counter in Jubilife Village. They can also receive one by completing the Getting to Know Ghosts request in Jubilife Village. Which requires them to finish Gastly’s Pokedex entry. Players can also look for Linking Cords in space-time distortions or by mining for wealth with Ursaluna. Though these methods may take a long time due to the enormous pool of potential goods available.
The Nintendo Switch version of Pokemon Legends: Arceus is now available.