Where To Find Dekuuna ME3. Mass Effect 3 contains a lot of optional side content that not only awards players more reputation and experience points. But also adds to the tale of the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition trilogy’s final chapter.

Shepard can opt to aid the elcor diplomat found on the Citadel as part of the “Dekuuna. Elcor Extraction” mission, which is a small component of Mass Effect. Legendary Edition’s huge sci-fi storey. The ambassador wants Shepard to travel to Dekuuna, the elcor homeworld, and rescue the captive survivors. This guide will assist players in finding Dekuuna in Mass Effect 3. Completing the 5 Reputation and 120 XP assignment.
Where to Find Dekuuna in Mass Effect 3

Dekuuna may found in the Phontes System of the Silean Nebula, which located on the Galaxy Map left side. The elcor survivors, on the other hand, discovered by scanning Oltan, Dekuuna’s moon. Approach Dekuuna and scan the region for Oltan. But beware of the Reapers, who will hunt the Normandy if they scan too much.
Scanning the moon and launching a probe to rescue. The Elcor Flotilla will earn you the Elcor Flotilla as a War Asset in Mass Effect 3. Return to the elcor diplomat on the Citadel once this done to finish “Dekuuna: Elcor Extraction”. Players not required to return to the Phontes System for any future assignments or priority missions.
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In the original version of the game. Tthe Elcor Flotilla could obtained as a. War Asset without speaking with the Elcor Diplomat on the Citadel. However, before looking for Dekuuna and Oltan in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. Players must meet with the elcor diplomat in Mass Effect 3.
“Elcor Extraction” is a simple assignment to complete that rewards players with. 5 Reputation Points, hence it is advised. That players pick it up and do it as quickly as feasible. In Mass Effect 3, having a high Reputation can save the lives of numerous. Individuals and even aid in the reconciliation of the geth and the quarians.
Players must gain general Reputation points in order to pass. Skill checks required to successfully use charm or intimidate dialogue options during crucial storey events. Regardless of whether they are playing as a Renegade or Paragon. If players want to earn the best ending in Mass Effect 3, they should finish a considerable. Portion of the available assignments before commencing priority missions.