How To Photograph Guanajuato At Night In Forza Horizon 5.Learn how to shoot a photo of Guanajuato at night for the Big City Lights Challenge without having to wait until nightfall.
The “Big City Lights” Photo Challenge has introduced to the Festival Playlist for Winter Series 3 in Forza Horizon 5, which encourages players to photograph Guanajuato at night. This may appear to a straightforward process, but the region must first discovered, and the time of day can take a long time to alter.
Players in Forza Horizon 5 can either wait for darkness to fall or use this quick way to find and photograph Guanajuato at night. 2 Series/Season Points and the “Action!!!” Forza Link Phrase are awarded for completing “Big City Lights.”
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Guanajuato Locations In Forza Horizon 5

Guanajuato is a significant city in central Mexico, directly east of the volcano and above the pink Horizon Festival Mexico emblem on the map. If players use RB to bring up the filter list and deselect everything but landmarks and Festival Sites, it will be simpler to spot on the map.
If fast travel enabled in Forza Horizon 5, players can travel to Guanajuato quickly by pressing X while hovering their cursor over the area on the map. It costs credits, but the cost decreases with each smashed quick travel board.
How To Photograph Guanajuato At Night Quickly

Players can use Event Lab to find a bespoke race set at night if they want to photograph Guanajuato quickly. Drive to a race that starts in Guanajuato and select “Solo” once Event Lab unlocked in Forza Horizon 5. To browse creations, go to the left and select the yellow Event Lab sign. On controllers, use the “View” button to bring up the search function, then type “Night” in the title search.

Select the required custom blueprint (usually the first one will be the best), and start the race in any car. Activate photo mode by pressing up on the d-pad and photograph Guanajuato at night. If Horizon Promo unlocked in Forza Horizon 5, players only need to press RB while in photo mode to snap a picture. Quit the event from the main menu and don’t forget to give the creator a like.
Choose the appropriate custom blueprint (the first one is generally the best) and begin the race in any automobile. By pressing up on the d-pad, you can switch to photo mode and capture Guanajuato at night. If Horizon Promo enabled in Forza Horizon 5, players can take a photograph by pressing RB while in photo mode. From the main menu, exit the event and remember to like the creator.
Prizes For The Big City Lights Challenge

Players will gain the “Action!!!” Forza Link Phrase and 2 Series/Season Points for photographing Guanajuato at night. These Season Points used to unlock the Porsche Carrera and the limited-edition Toyota AT38. They also count toward unlocking the Zenvo TS1 and Ford Mustang ’71 Series 3 automobiles, which are also exclusive.
Because of their unique status, the automobiles purchased from the Autoshow in Forza Horizon 5. They however purchased via the Auction House. If they are put up for sale by another player. However the asking price likely to high it recommended that you finish this simple challenge instead of squandering Credits.
The PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S versions of Forza Horizon 5 are now available.