Batarian Codes Guide ME3. After completing the priority mission “Citadel II,” players can begin the task “Citadel: Batarian Codes”. In both the original and Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. Talking to C-Sec Officer Jordan Noles outside the C-Sec Office unlocks the task from the Spectre Terminal.

If players select the correct chat options, they will gain XP, Paragon or Renegade Reputation, and a War Asset. Here’s where to get the batarian console codes in Mass Effect 3 whether you’re playing. The original or the remastered version included in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.
Table of Contents
First Console Code Location

Players should travel to Huerta Memorial Hospital. To find the first console after accepting the mission from C-Sec Officer Jordan Noles on the. Citadel Embassies floor and starting it from the Spectre Terminal. In Mass Effect 3, after exiting the elevator. Turn right and go through the door to locate a console beside the human and salarian doctors.
Second Console Code Location
The Normandy Dock’s second console is on the Bay D24 floor. It down a tiny set of steps to the left of a yellow vending machine. Just opposite the parked Normandy ship in Mass Effect.
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Third Console Code Location

After you’ve activated the previous console, go to the Docks: Holding Area floor to find the third and final console. It’s towards the further end of the region, where a Turian NPC frequently seen going back and forth.
A batarian will point a rifle at Shepard head once the console selected. Balak will be the one threatening Shepard if players have transferred. A Mass Effect save in which they played the Bring Down the Sky DLC and spared Balak at the end.
Balak can killed, but with enough Reputation. The batarian can charmed or intimidated into supplying another War Asset in Mass Effect 3. Balak replaced with another batarian who cannot killed if he slain in Bring Down the Sky. While this makes the mission less rewarding, players will still obtain the Batarian. Fleet War Asset if they pass the Reputation requirement. If players fail the check, the value of the Alliance Third Fleet War Asset will reduced instead.
The C-Sec officer will speak with Shepard once the situation has resolved. Players will gain XP for finishing the assignment once the cutscene ends. If you use charm or intimidate on the batarian, you’ll get seven Renegade/Paragon points.