How To Get Stone Mask In Vampire Survivors. The Stone Mask is a Vampire Survivors accessory that enhances the quantity of coins earned by characters. Making it a helpful gear for gold farming. Players will not be able to use the Stone Mask right away. After starting the game because they must first unlock it. Fortunately, acquiring the Stone Mask in Vampire Survivors is rather simple. But it differs from how all of the other game’s items are obtained.

Vampire Survivors: How to Find a Stone Mask
In Vampire Survivors, players must simply find the Stone Mask during one of their runs to unlock it. Gaining entry to the Inlaid Library stage, which is unlocked after reaching. Level 20 in the Mad Forest, is the first step in achieving that goal. Because the Stone Mask can only be obtained in the Inlaid Library. Fans should first concentrate on completing the second stage.
Players should choose one of the characters from Vampire Survivors and enter the stage after unlocking the Inlaid Library. After then, fans should begin marching to the right. Dodging as many foes as possible while keeping an eye on the top wall. Players should pay special attention to the alcoves that occur on the top of the level from time to time. Since the Stone Mask can spawn on the tile just in front of the ovular table.
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Notably, the location of the Stone Mask’s spawning alcove appears to vary across runs. As a result, some players will find the item after only a few minutes of travelling to the right. While others may take much longer. However, if an indie game enthusiast has not located the Stone. Mask by the time the clock strikes 10:00, they should stop and restart their search. If they have unlocked it, they may also wish to look in the Hyper Inlaid Library. As the increased character speed makes searching much easier.
While it’s unlikely that players will earn many levels in their search for the. Stone Mask, having powerful early-game weapons will make the journey to the right much easier. Garlic and the King Bible are excellent for this, as these. Vampire Survivors weapons should allow players to surge forward with impunity for the opening few minutes of the round. Fans shouldn’t be too concerned if they don’t get their hands on one of those weapons. As they should be able to easily avoid the adversaries.