How To Get Raw Meat In Genshin Impact. In Genshin Impact, cooking is a wonderful way to offer characters a stat boost during tough battles, and it may also be utilised to restore health and stamina in specific circumstances. Many of the recipes in the game, unsurprisingly, require raw meat to prepare, but obtaining a large quantity of raw meat isn’t always easy.

The solution to the question of what drops raw flesh is self-evident. The majority of Genshin Impact’s fauna will drop a few raw meat pieces, with the exception of birds, who will drop fowl instead. Hunting wild animals in the Teyvat area is the most straightforward way to obtain raw meat.
Nahda Nabiilah updated this page on January 27, 2022: Many ingredients are more widely employed in Genshin Impact than others when it comes to preparing cuisine. Many dishes, for example, call for raw meat, poultry, and fish, yet just two cuisines call for Horsetails. As a result, if players enjoy cooking in Genshin Impact, they’ll notice that some supplies run out far faster than others. Here are some simple ways to get raw meat in Genshin Impact if you’ve run out of raw meat supply and need to farm quickly.
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Raw Meat Sources In Genshin Impact
Raw meat can be obtained in three ways: by hunting animals, purchasing from a store, or participating in adventures. As a result, players should select the method that best suits their needs. The more raw meat players have on hand, the more meals they’ll be able to prepare over a campfire, so getting as much as possible is always a good idea.
Brightcrown Canyon
Hunting animals is the most common way to obtain raw meat, however there is one site that works particularly well for this. Hundreds of boars can be found roaming the mountains around Brightcrown Canyon. Players must be cautious since these monsters will flee if one of their own is killed, thus they must act quickly. Here are a few pointers to make things easier:
- Anemo character like Venti can easily pull animals into their vortex
- Use Ganyu for her AoE Charged Attack hits, or Bow character to hunt from afar
- Having Aloy in the party allows people to get pretty close to the animals
East Of Dunyu Ruins

Then there are five Boars in the area east of the Dunyu Ruins. In the area, there are also some smaller creatures.
Three boars live on the farm near Springvale.
Southwest Of Qingce Village
Three Boars can also be seen southwest of Qingce.
Qingce Village

There are five boars in the garden of Qingce Village itself. They are, however, quite a distance apart.
Tianqiu Valley
Players can also find a variety of species in Tianqiu Valley. Boars, Foxes, and Squirrels can be found in both the northern and southern parts.
Starfell Lake
Although there are no boars in the vicinity of Starfell Lake, the little creatures are nonetheless worth farming.
Stone Gate

Mondstadt and Liyue are separated by the Stone Gate. The Pale Flame domain can be used to go to the location. They’ll discover a variety of animals dropping raw meats there.
Snowboar In Dragonspine

Players can process one chilled meat to receive one raw meat in addition to getting raw meat right away. Bring a Pyro character across the shore east of Dragonspine to get the frozen pork.
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The Great Snowboar King
The Great Snowboar King will drop six to ten chilled meat for those seeking further challenges. That is, assuming players are successful in defeating it.
Purchase From Draff In Springvale
Raw meat can be purchased with Mora for those who don’t want to kill Boars to near extinction, but it is not available on the Good Hunter’s menu. Instead, travel to the Mondstadt region’s Springvale and chat with Draff.
Players can peruse his shop and locate raw meat among his items if they talk to him throughout the day. He is presently the sole shopkeeper selling this resource, and each piece costs 240 Mora. He’s also limited to 10 ounces of uncooked meat every day.
Send Characters On Expeditions
Finally, excursions can provide raw meat to players. There are now two excursions that reward raw meat upon completion (one in Windrise and the other in Musoujin Gorge), therefore players can receive 16-24 raw meat every 20 hours using this approach. Of course, by adopting Fischl, Kujou Sara, or Bennett’s shortened expedition time, this time can be cut in half.