How To Get Pokemon With Egg Moves In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. Pokemon learn moves as they level up, or they can be taught moves via TMs, HMs, and TRs. Some Pokemon will know moves that can’t be learned through levelling up or that don’t exist as TMs in competitive play or the Battle Tower in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl. Because Pokemon outside of the Sinnoh area aren’t included in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, several Egg Moves aren’t available to the progeny.
Originally, a Pokemon’s Egg Move could only be inherited from the male parent Pokemon. Pokemon that escaped during Swarms or were discovered using the DexNav (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire) occasionally knew an Egg Move. Trainers can earn Egg Moves in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl in two ways: by having Pokemon breed at the Day Care or by catching them in the Grand Underground.
Table of Contents
Inheriting the Egg Move

Pokemon can breed with each other if they belong to the same Egg Group. The Egg Move is passed on from the father, but the offspring’s species is selected by the mother.
Cynthia’s Milotic, for example, has the move Mirror Coat, which Milotic cannot learn by levelling or TM. In generation 8, however, Corsola, who is compatible with Milotic, gets Mirror Coat at level 55. So, if Cynthia was like any other trainer, she would have had a female Feebas or Milotic breed with a male Corsola that knew Mirror Coat in order to have Milotic with Mirror Coat.
Chain Breeding
Some Egg Moves are more difficult to breed than others. To get an Egg Move, it’s sometimes required to “chain breed.” This is a lengthy procedure that involves two or more breeding steps.
The Horsea-line, for example, does not learn Clear Smog as a result of levelling. Horsea would have to get Clear Smog from a Pokemon who can breed with its Egg Group instead. This means a male Weezing could pass on Clear Smog to Horsea if he breeds with a female Gastrodon from the same Egg Group as Weezing. Its Shellos progeny must be male and clear of smog, and it must breed with a female Horsea/Seadra/Kingdra.
Let’s look at it more closely:
Step 1 | |||
Parent Pokemon | Egg Groups | Moves | Offspring |
Weezing (Male) | Amorphous | Clear Smog Sludge Bomb Rain Dance Explosion | Shellos (Male) Clear Smog Water Gun Rain Dance Body Slam |
Gastrodon (Female) | Water 1 | Muddy Water Rain Dance Body Slam Water Pulse | |
Amorphous |
Step 2 | |||
Parent Pokemon | Egg Groups | Moves | Offspring |
Shellos (Male) | Water 1 | Clear Smog Water Gun Rain Dance Body Slam | Horsea (male or female) Clear Smog Water Gun Dragon Breath Smokescreen |
Amorphous | |||
Horsea (Female) | Water 1 | Water Gun Dragon Breath Body Slam Water Pulse | |
Dragon |
Gastrodon and Shellos can breed with other Water 1 or Amorphous Pokemon because they have two Egg Groups (Water 1 and Amorphous). There is just one Egg Group in Weezing, and it is Amorphous. Horsea, like Shellos, belongs to the Water 1 Egg Group, and because of its Dragon Egg Group, it may breed with other Dragon Egg Groups, allowing Clear Smog to be passed down to future generations as long as the progeny Horsea is male.
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Catching Pokemon in the Grand Underground

Lastly, catching Pokemon in the Grand Underground is the only method to obtain Egg Moves. Because the Pokemon here have a randomised Egg Move, if it doesn’t have the move trainers want, they’ll have to attempt catching another one. It’s hard to know what Egg Move a wild Pokemon possesses until it’s caught or the opponent Pokemon utilises it in combat until it goes through all of it moves. One Houndoom might have Thunder Fang, while another might have Feint.
Any Egg Moves that have forgotten can relearned at Pastoria City’s Move Tutor. Egg Moves from previous Generation 8 games, on the other hand, cannot remembered.
Some Pokemon, such as Chatot, can learn Boomburst from Noivern, but Chatot can’t use it because Noivern isn’t catchable in Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl. Unfortunately, this is true for a number of Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl.
Another example is Starly not being able to have Detect as an Egg Move since one of its parent Pokemon, the Pidove line, is not accessible to breed with Starly’s other parent Pokemon (Starly line). Trainers can still receive Pokemon with most of their Egg Moves by breeding them or catching them in the Grand Underground, despite this disadvantage.