Where To Find Miranda In ME3. If Miranda Lawson survives the events of the second game, she reappears in Mass Effect 3, and players must locate her in order to advance through the tale in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. While this may appear to be a simple task, none of the ex-Cerberus Officer’s notes specifically instruct players where to find her on the Citadel.

Miranda is a vital aspect of the “Priority: Horizon” objective in the late game. Despite the fact that she cannot recruited as a squadmate in the third game. This guide can used to figure out where Miranda is on the Citadel the first, second. Third time she requests Shepard to meet with her in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.
Table of Contents
Where to Find Miranda in Mass Effect 3 (First Time)
Shepard will receive a message from Miranda asking to meet at the Citadel after completing. One mission or assignment after the priority task “Palaven”. Players may discover her at the Normandy Dock: Bay D24 location, near the Viewing Deck. In Mass Effect, you can get here either exiting the Normandy or using. Rapid Transit System station aboard the Citadel.
Miranda will inform Shepard of her worries about her sister Oriana. When discussing about their previous relationship in Mass Effect 3, players should select the “Nothing’s changed”. Conversation option if they want to continue their romance with Miranda. It’s crucial to note that Miranda will not survive the events of “Priority. Horizon” if Shepard breaks up with her here.
Where to Find Miranda in Mass Effect 3 (Second Time)

After Miranda’s second message, the players don’t get to meet her again. Instead, they can use vid comm to communicate with her by going. To the Citadel Embassies and finding the Spectre Terminal. Shepard will warn Miranda that Cerberus after her if the dossier on Kai Leng. From Anderson in Mass Effect 3 has read. If she told and her loyalty duty in Mass Effect 2 completed, she will die during “Priority: Horizon.”
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Where to Find Miranda in Mass Effect 3 (Third Time)

Miranda’s final message aboard the Citadel urges Shepard to meet her in a secret chamber. This private room found in the Presidium Commons location Apartments area. To keep Miranda alive throughout “Priority: Horizon,” it’s critical to give her what she requests. Those who are still in love with Miranda from Mass Effect 2. Can get a little moment between the two to cement their bond.