How To Get Married In Stardew Valley. Despite the fact that it’s been around for a while, Stardew Valley‘s charm as an adorable farming simulator hasn’t worn off. This game, however, is about more than just growing crops and caring for animals; it’s also about starting a new life in a new community. Part of that entails getting to know the residents and assimilating into the community…and perhaps even marrying and starting a family in Pelican Town.

The player can choose from a total of twelve prospects — six bachelors and six bachelorettes — to romance and possibly marry. Each one is distinct and will appeal to different types of players. Although each NPC’s preferences and personality must be taken into account when romancing, the overall procedure of forming a relationship and getting married in Stardew Valley remains the same.
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Increasing Friendship

Players must improve their relationship with a potential spouse by talking to them on a regular basis, offering them gifts, completing quests, and more. There are many methods to make a character’s heart grow fonder, but the easiest and quickest is to give them gifts. To see a character’s gift preferences, go to the Social tab (the tab with the heart) in the game’s menu. Alternatively, this guide will provide you with recommendations for the best gifts in the game.
Players can offer an NPC up to two gifts per week, plus a birthday present, which can found on the calendar outside Pierre’s store. Birthday gifts will be worth eight times as many friendship points as normal, so pick them carefully!
Starting A Relationship

A letter from Pierre will sent to the player whenever. They reach eight hearts and have at least one bachelor or bachelorette. He’ll add that the player appears to be developing close to some of the locals,. That giving bouquets to show romantic desire is a local custom. At that point, the player can purchase a Bouquet for 600g from Pierre’s shop.
If a marriage candidate is at eight hearts with the player. They will react with excitement and declare that they feel the same way when given a bouquet. The player’s social gauge’s final two grayed-out hearts will open up at this point. Allowing them to expand their relationship to ten hearts. That character will also identified as the player’s “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” in the social menu.
The player can have many boyfriend and/or girlfriends. They want before getting married (although dating all the bachelors or all the bachelorettes at once may lead to a cutscene calling the player out). Giving a bouquet to another NPC after the player married, on the other hand, will irritate their spouse.
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Proposal & Wedding

On wet days, an NPC known as the Old Mariner will appear on the Beach’s eastern side. If the player has at least once upgraded the Farmhouse and has ten hearts with one of the bachelors or bachelorettes. He will offer to sell them a Mermaid Pendant. This necklace is similar to an engagement ring in Stardew Valley’s local tradition. Presenting it to one’s beloved serves as a marriage proposal. It may purchased for 5,000 gold.
To propose, players must have a total of 10 hearts with their partner or girlfriend. Then offer the Mermaid Pendant to their intended as any other gift. The recipient, like the bouquet, will overjoyed and agree to marry the player. A cutscene depicting the marriage ceremony in the town square will play three days after the proposal. As soon as the player wakes up. After that, at 6 a.m., the player and their new spouse will arrive on the farmhouse porch. Ready to begin their new life together.