Kaidan Romance Guide In ME3. Kaidan Alenko makes a comeback in Mass Effect 3 as a squad member and prospective love companion for players of any gender, if he survives the events of the first game. He doesn’t have to have previously romanced in the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition collection. Early in the third game, maintaining a relationship will modify their interactions with each other.

Kaidan may also die during a pivotal storey event, so you’ll need to make a lot of good decisions to keep him alive and maintain a relationship with him until the end of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.
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How to Romance Kaidan in Mass Effect 3​​​​​

​​​​​Kaidan appears right in the start of the game, but none of the dialogue selections have any consequences. Feel free to respond in any way you like. Respond with “You know me better than that” during the first conversation the two have on Mars concerning Shepard’s ties with Cerberus in Mass Effect 3. Choose “How can you say that?” and “I never left” during the following conversation about Cerberus.
To acquire some bonus discussion with a recovering Kaidan, purchase the TM88 – Peruvian Whiskey from Sirta Supplies at the Huerta Memorial Hospital and give it to him when they next speak. After another mission completed, Kaidan will deliver a message to Shepard’s private terminal.
If Kaidan asks if they’re good once he wakes up, say “Yeah,” apologise, and choose him over another character romanced in the second game. Leave after the chat to finish one more assignment in order to receive another message from Kaidan. Return to the Citadel and have another conversation with him.
How to Save Kaidan in Mass Effect 3

After “Tuchanka,” Cerberus and Udina will attempt a coup as part of the “The Citadel II” mission. As a Spectre, Kaidan is attempting to safeguard Udina and the Council. He must have faith in Shepard to persuade him that they are not cooperating with Cerberus. It’s a little perplexing how to save the Virmire survivor in Mass Effect 3 because of the intricate point system.
Players who continue their romance with Kaidan from Mass Effect 1 will benefit from a bonus point bump. Kaidan will survive even if he doesn’t get this boost if:
- Shepard was nice to him on Mars.
- Players visit him both times at the hospital (and apologize for cheating in Mass Effect 2).
- The Paragon prompt selected while trying to convince Kaidan to trust Shepard.
- Players use intimidate or charm options to convince Kaidan to trust them.
Even if players gain negative points for previous actions unrelated to Kaidan for this skill check, he will survive if they have enough reputation in Mass Effect 3 to seduce or frighten him into trusting Shepard with these choices. Kaidan will be waiting outside the Normandy after this momentous incident. To continue romancing him, select “Absolutely.”
How to Get Romance Scene With Kaidan

On the Normandy, Kaidan can now chatted to, but nothing will start or continue a romance with him just yet. Wait for an email from him before heading to the Citadel’s Presidium. To commit to a relationship with Kaidan, select “I want to be together” or “I think I want that too.”
Depending on their previous relationship status, the discourse will be slightly different. It’s best to wait until after the couple’s relationship is solidified before playing the Citadel DLC in Mass Effect 3 to see some more love sequences between Shepard and Kaidan during the fan-favorite quest.
Kaidan will come to Shepard quarters the mission to assault Cronos Station initiated long players have established a friendship him. To spend night with him, select “I’m delighted you here” (and “I adore you” if appears). Before the last push on Earth, make sure to speak with Kaidan for one last extensive conversation. Kaidan forced back to Normandy if he a squadmate during the last assault and survives as part of the greatest ending in Mass Effect 3. Shepard has one more chance to tell him they love him before they split ways.