Where To Find All Demon Statues Shin Megami Tensei 5. Shinagawa is Shin Megami Tensei 5’s second main location, and it is far more difficult than Minato. This is primarily owing to Shinagawa’s significantly larger and more convoluted layout, which makes navigating around the city difficult.
Exploring, on the other hand, is something you should definitely do because there are lots of treasures to be found if you go hunting for them. Demon Statues, in particular, are worth seeking out because they can provide you with the boost in power you need to take down the area’s tougher bosses.
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Where To Find Every Demon Statue In Shinagawa
Hecatoncheires, Andras, Berith, Tsuchigumo, and Nue are the FIVE Petrified Demon Statues in Shinagawa. Unlike Minato, many of Shinagawa’s Demon Statues are difficult to locate.
Where To Find Petrified Hecatoncheires
Hecatoncheires (Heck-ah-toon-chair-es…apparently) is hidden in a storage container yard northeast of the Shinagawa Pier Leyline. This devil statue is the first you’ll come across in Shinagawa, and it’s surprisingly well hidden.

Where To Find Petrified Andras
Andras is rather easy to locate. Head south after teleporting to the Konan third Leyline. You’ll finally come to a halt. Petrified Andras is your prize for trudging through the Konan fourth Block.
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Where To Find Petrified Berith
Petrified Because he is almost off the usual path, Berith is one of the easier Demon Statues to find. Teleport to the Mitatebashi Leyline and proceed northwest if you missed it. You’ll notice Berith right away and get a free level up.
Where To Find Petrified Tsuchigumo
The location of Petrified Tsuchigumo, which is perched on a cliff in South Shinagawa, just before the Fairy Village, is a bit difficult. To land this Statue, you’ll need to sprint further south than you believe, climb up an incline, swing back around, and finally hop down.
Where To Find Petrified Nue

Nue, like Berith, is rather easy to locate due to its proximity to the major highway. After leaving the Fairy Village, take a left on your route to South Shinagawa and you’ll come across some platforming boxes. Continue scaling them (they deviate to the right) while avoiding the Baphomets. Nue will be waiting for you after you reach the summit.