How To Defeat Skeletron In Terraria. Terraria has a lot of boss fights, and they’re one of the key reasons why the game is so intriguing to play. Each boss drops different items, some of which are required to advance in certain ways. After defeating a boss, you can usually rematch it, however there are usually additional conditions.
Skeletron is one of Terraria’s most renowned bosses, but the first time you summon it into your planet, it can be a difficult foe to beat.
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How To Summon Skeletron
You must first locate the Dungeon in your world before summoning Skeletron. The Dungeon will appear on the side of the planet with the Snow Biome and the Jungle Biome on the opposite side. You can see a photo of the Dungeon above; you’ll know you’ve discovered it when you come across this structure. The Dungeon is located at the map’s edge.
Once you’ve located the Dungeon, wait until nightfall before speaking with the Old Man NPC who stands outside the Dungeon. When you speak to the Old Man and press “Curse,” he will change into the Skeletron boss. You can summon Skeletron as many times as you need to win the battle, but after you’ve defeated him, you can’t summon him again.

Before summoning Skeletron, the Old Man suggests that you have at least ten defence and 300 HP, and while these traits aren’t required to fight him, it’s impossible to beat him without them.
Summoning Skeletron With The Clothier Voodoo Doll
Even though the Old Man will vanish once Skeletron is defeated, there is still a method to face him again. If you go into the Dungeon and battle Dark Casters or Angry Bones, you might get the Clothier Voodoo Doll.
Once you have the Clothier Voodoo Doll in your possession, you can use it to kill the Clothier NPC. Skeletron is spawned by killing the Clothier. After you fight Skeletron for the first time, the Clothier appears. Skeletron, like the Old Man, may only be summoned at night through the Clothier.
How To Defeat Skeletron
Skeletron is a formidable foe. He can strike you with his floating hands, but he can also spin his head around, which delivers a lot of damage if you get caught in it. Skeletron can switch between these strikes at any time, so keep an eye out for his roar, which signifies that his head is going to spin.
On Classic Mode, Skeletron has 600 health, 14 defence, and deals 20 damage. Skeletron dies when its head is defeated, however it’s usually easier to defeat its arms first so they can’t attack you. Because Skeletron can float, ranged weaponry like bows are the most effective against him. Make sure to bring your most powerful weapon and armour to the combat, regardless of the weapon type you chose.
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The Best Strategy For Fighting Skeletron
Skeletron floats in the air and moves swiftly, therefore to hit him, you must travel upwards as he hovers above you. As Skeletron floats about the battlefield, utilise Wood Platforms to construct various rows that you can use to move uphill and below. In the image above, you can see an example of this construction. Before summoning Skeletron, you must first construct the platform.

Once Skeletron is summoned, target his arms first to reduce the damage he does to you. This is especially simple if you’ve made Wood Platforms, as you can follow his arms in any direction with them.
Skeletron’s head must be attacked once the arms have been defeated. Skeletron moves rapidly, and it may be tough to hit him with melee assaults because he rarely ventures close to players. Using ranged weapons is a smart approach. Skeletron is easier to assault if your character has a rapid movement speed or a flying ability. Skeletron’s head will die when you defeat him, and you’ll be able to claim your goodies.
How To Defeat Skeletron On Expert Mode
On Expert Mode, the above method works effectively; nevertheless, Skeletron is superior in a few key aspects. In Expert Mode, Skeletron has the following abilities.
- Faster movement speed
- Shoots skulls after his health falls below 6600
- Can inflict bleeding and slow debuffs
- Has 60 Defense
- 1560 Health (1989 Health on Master Mode)
- Skeletron deals 44 Damage (66 Damage on Master Mode)

Everything You Earn For Defeating Skeletron
There are numerous awards available for killing Skeletron, but there’s no guarantee you’ll receive them all the first time you defeat this enemy. Here’s a list of each item, along with the percentage probability of winning it.
Items | Drop Chance |
Skeletron Hand | 12% |
Skeletron Mask | 14% |
Skeletron Trophy | 10% |
Book Of Souls | 10.5% |
Chippy’s Couch | 14% |
5-15 Lesser Healing Potions | 100% |