Where To Find Quick Balls In Pokemon Sword And Shield. The Quick Ball is certainly one of the best of the 23 Poke Balls seen in Pokemon Sword & Shield. While their utility diminishes after the first turn, Quick Balls gleam like diamonds and pearls in that first turn. Aside from the Master Ball, which has a 100% success rate but an evident scarcity problem, no other Poke Ball is better suited for the first-round toss.
Since Generation IV, Quick Balls have been around. Their presence was warmly received, and no aspiring Pokemon Master should overlook their importance. Here’s where to look for them, as well as how they do their thing.
Quinton O’Connor updated this page on January 9, 2022: Pokemon Sword & Shield is seeing a rebirth as the community wraps up Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl and looks forward to the upcoming release of Pokemon Legends: Arceus. The reality remains that Sword & Shield is the official competitive scene for the eighth generation, therefore catching and producing exceptional specimens is still a hot topic. With that in mind, we’ve updated this article to include a new method of obtaining Quick Balls and to explain a few essential points.
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Where to Find Quick Balls

In Pokemon Sword & Shield, there are four major locations where you can get Quick Balls without breaking the bank. A solitary Quick Ball on Route 7 in the grass just before the tunnel is barely worth mentioning, but since it’s a one-time find, we can’t exactly call it a “pro strat.”
If you want a good chance at more, talk to Ball Guy after you win the Championship Cup (or the Galarian Star Cup if you have The Crown Tundra DLC) in the post-game. The reward he gives you has a one-in-28 chance of being a three-pack of these fast spheres, but alternative prizes include a Big Nugget, a Wishing Piece, Rare Candy, and even a Life Orb. It goes without saying that you should not leave the stadium without contacting him.
You should also take advantage of Poke Jobs, which are missions at Pokemon Center Rotomi (Galar’s PC spin) that allow you to send your boxed Pokemon on errands in exchange for experience, stat boosts, and a variety of other rewards. Taking on any projects with star ratings of 7, 8, or 9 increases your chances of your friends returning with a few Quick Balls, so if you keep an eye on what jobs are available each day, you can easily build up a small stockpile.
Last but not least, if you’ve purchased the Expansion Pass and travelled to the Isle of Armor, don’t forget to check out the Master Dojo’s strange contraption. Depending on what you put into the Cram-o-matic, it will produce a wide range of products. With four Yellow Apricorns, you’ll have a 25% chance of getting a Quick Ball. The best part is that Yellow Apricorns can be found in Berry Trees, thus they’re pretty common.
Where to Buy Quick Balls
You can, on the other hand, just dump wads of cash to ensure a steady supply. The Southern Wyndon Pokemon Mart is the most reliable spot to do so, as the store will sell them for 1000 Pokemon Dollars. (The official name for the Pokemon world’s currency is Pokeballs.) The more information you have, the better.
If you don’t have enough money, you can buy them from Watt Traders in the Wild Area. The twist is that these sellers’ item selection changes every day, so you can’t count on them having Quick Balls when you need them. Thankfully, they only cost 50 Watts each, so take advantage of your good fortune and stack them high.
How Quick Balls Work

Quick Balls’ in-game description is a little hazy, claiming that it has a higher catch rate at the start of a crazy battle. While this isn’t untrue, it’s an understatement, as using Quick Balls on the first turn of an encounter increases the capture rate by five times that of an ordinary Poke Ball. Without context, that may not seem like much, but consider this: even an Ultra Ball only doubles the Poke Ball’s catch rate. That isn’t to say that Ultra Balls aren’t good; it only goes to illustrate that there’s no reason not to start with a Quick Ball.